in #news6 years ago

by SGTreport.com:

It's time to use discernment friends. WHY is the mainstream media ignoring the arrest of a NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL contractor outside of the White House, who may have planned to kill the President? WHY are actual Veterans like Craig Sawyer and Stewart Rhodes being called 'disinfo agents' while a pretend vet who has a lengthy criminal record is being heralded as a hero? And WHY is the untimely and unexpected 'suicide' of Anthony Bourdain not being met with more suspicion by the mainstream media? I'll tell ya why...

Related links:
ARRESTED: Did a NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL Contractor Intend to MURDER President Trump!?

SUICIDE WEEKEND Weirdness. Come on up to the Lab. #Bourdain #Spade


I told my wife there is no way this man killed himself, least of all not by kneeling down under a door knob. Her immediate reaction; "it's a good thing his family aren't around to hear you say that". The programming runs deep, even mild questioning of official stories is not allowed to take place in the minds of those under its spell. The sin of the day is the vague possibility you might hurt someones feelings, while at the same time denying all of your own.

Hi Sgt. Hi Sean. Good to see u on steemit. I am with you. Upload to d.tube. I am there too. Dlive too.

Thanks much cartoon dude, I could use a laugh :)

My thanks to who ever upvoted this with some Steem $, very much appreciated.

A 50 yr. old man as YOU are now, should behave like an adult.
6th-time I'm posting this and still waiting for your apology:

Hey a-hole.
I'll be using that Sean until I get an apology from YOU since YOU wrote the following.
Don't be a dick and READ:

sgtreport (67) · 23 days ago
x-veritas, what an a-hole you have become. WTF man? You wrote: "Sean is truly losing his 'cred' with me.He's beginning to manifest all of the signs of controlled opposition."
WHY exactly????
There is an OBVIOUS divide and conquer strategy in the alt-media space on You Tube right now, mostly over Q, and clearly you drank the Kool-Aid. Veritas means truth, and you've lost track of it entirely if you think I'm "controlled" by anyone.
My Bollyn 9/11 interview was ALL about Zionism and the Mossad and You Tube DELETED it and gave me a STRIKE. Seriously, stop being a dick.

This post will be repeated on every one of your posts here at steemit until mitigated.
That means YOU-Sean, come to your senses and behave like a True Christian.
Stop whining.
It's not becoming a middle-aged Man.
Nor productive for your own children.


Thanks for this informative report. Pockets of the Future also has some interesting videos related to Bordain's girlfriend and her dark minded lifestyle. Here's link to those.....

Asia Argento & Rose Magowan a tale of 2 Witches

Asia Argento's Sick Movie

Well Asia Agento's Father Dario is a real piece of


I saw that you and he were having some slight misunderstanding over the Tucson weirdness last week. Just want to say you both do a great job informing people of what's going on and hope you move on from that, as the Tucson migrant camp thing was simply odd to begin with and, in my opinion, not really worth the time trying to unravel. Instead of producing any links to child sex trafficking it has instead acted as a dividing foil in the truth community, a bit like QAnon, although I personally don't think Tuscon was a psyop, just an over-reaction. Them telling truth seekers to go search child porn sites was also not good advice. Kind regards and thanks for doing what you do.

I just assumed that TDS was becoming terminal. Sufferers eventually direct their rage at Trump towards themselves.

Its like being in the mob . And now people are getting whacked . More bodies to come from these sick parasites in the entertainment industry . Who is next otta be in some kind of betting pool ❓The more presure they feel , the more boddies are going to be found hanging from door knobs . As ridiculous as that sounds . These people are stupid . They don’t know how to set up a simple suicide⁉️ They might be feeling to comfortable since they own the police departments , prosecutors , and court rooms , and end up making a big mistake . A good investigator could catch them , but if the police agree that an over six foot tall man hung himself from a door knob then they’re managing this death and his family will never know justice . In my opinion with witches.......well they always use potions , and poisons right ❓Well on a lot of these deaths that didn’t involve a gun might have been drugged then suffocated . Like possible judge ANTONIN SCALIA . A small woman can kill a man easily by smothering him with a pillow . Women make great assasins because they’re not as suspicious . Fellas we might have a ring of killer witches⁉️🧙‍♀️

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