Digested for 11 Jul 2017: Zarna Joshi's an Interrupting Starfish, Forensicator disproved the Russian Hack, and the MSM Continues their Attack on Trump Jr
Find out how humongous Hugh Mungus's humongous is, who the Forensicator fingered, and why Donald Trump Jr. name-drops the Ms Universe Pageant, again, today on Digested.
Bonne heure-locale, mes amours, to Digested News for the 11th of July, 2017, and a warm welcome to those of you new to the channel; it has been a remarkable few weeks, in the news. But before we start, please, consider supporting my Patreon while I'm fighting cancer; my insurance premiums are through the roof, and just one dollar a month can make an enormous difference.
Hugh Mungus Love
First up, I'm sure we all remember Zarna Joshi and her good friend, Hugh Mungus?
Well, it turns out that what was humongous, was his heart of gold. In the last couple weeks, a video from the Seattle City Council meeting where these two originally crossed paths has come out, providing a lot more context to the story -- here, lemme show you.
As you can see, Rudy Pantoja Jr., better known as Hugh Mungus, came out to the 10 August 2016 public committee hearing on Gender Equity, Safe Communities, and New Americans, to speak about his experiences in the North End of Seattle. However, you can repeatedly hear Zarna Joshi and other provocateurs provoking him as he speaks to the committee about his concerns about the directions the Seattle school districts are taking -- and the committee chairman calls her out for it multiple times, but ends up cutting him off at the end because Zarna's provocations take up too much of the committee's time.
And then Zarna Joshi gets up to speak.
The incivility of this woman genuinely upsets me, and clearly upset the committee as well -- after all, they did shut down her mic right at the end. But moreso than that, she brings up the homeless -- my homeless. This is Seattle we're talking about after all, and I never once saw Zarna at City Council meetings regarding the homeless. I've never seen her down at DESC or Angeline's or any of the multicultural food lines that set up in parks for the homeless. So who is she really speaking for?
In the end, this doesn't change what we already knew; Zarna Joshi has been a proponent of violent, uncivil and disruptive behaviour, especially against police, for as long as he has been in the public eye. But it is nice to finally see the rest of the story, and understand that Rudy Pantoja was just a citizen trying to do his civic duty, especially in light of the help the Seattle Police gave his once heroin-addicted daughter, and therethrough, him.
Forensicator Conclusively Proves Russia Hoax False
Over on /pol/, Anon is over the moon after a forensic analysis proving that the hack came from inside the house--er, DNC.
On Sunday, a pseudonymous "IT specialist" going by the name "The Forensicator" produced a detailed analysis of the Seth Rich leaks, honourably within days of the 1-year anniversary of the files being stolen. According to The Forensicator, "someone" copied the data on 5 July 2016 at approximately 6:45pm, and that these files were later published by someone identifying themselves as Guccifer 2.0 on 13 Sept. The estimated speed of transfer was 23MB/s, indicating that the transfer could not have been done over the internet. It was likely done from a computer system with direct access to the data -- whether a computer on the network where the data was stored or by direct physical access to that computer. And the data copied may be much larger than we originally thought, at about 19GB, making the NGP-VAN dump provided by Guccifer 2.0 only one-tenth the total amount of data taken.
If the data provided by The Forensicator is correct, the files could not have been "hacked by Russia" as has repeatedly been purported by CNN, MSNBC, and most of the Democratic Party. At speeds of 23MB/s, for a compressed file approximating 19GB in size, all indications point to a USB drive being plugged in physically, on-location.
This, along with the 28,000 emails and NGP VAN documents leaked back in October, creates conclusive evidence that, if permitted to be shown in court or before Congress, Russia did not hack the DNC servers -- which shouldn't matter anyway, since the use of those e-mail servers was illegal in itself.
Donald Trump Jr Shows what his Dad Taught Him About 4D Chess
Which brings us to our final story of the day: The continuing breakdown of the DNC and CNN's lies with regards to Russia. As the New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC continue to work on proving there was collusion between the Trump campaign and those Commie Spies Coming to Steal our Precious Bodily Fluids, Donald Trump Jr., has released a complete transcript of the e-mail chain that took place between Donald Trump and the Russian lawyer.
In the e-mail chain, you can clearly see them discusssing the "high-level" and "sensitive" nature of the information this Russian lawyer purported to have for Trump Jr, regarding documents that would incriminate Hillary Clinton for her own dealings with Russia (coughUranium Onecough), as well as Trump Jr's interest in handling the situation as properly as possible, with most of the conversation following the "Hillary info" entirely about handling the sensitivity of the documents in question.
Of course, if you're the mainstream media, then this only reaffirms the Kafka-trap you hold over the Trump administration: the media response to this has primarily attempted to regard Trump Jr's transparently releasing the e-mail chain as evidence of his own guilt.
But let's go through the story, shall we?
Starting on Friday, the New York Times began publishing articles about a "secret" meeting between Donald Trump Jr and a Russian attorney, which Trump responded to on Saturday, saying he was meeting with the lawyer to discuss a "Russian adoption program." The President was forced, later that day, to admit that the meeting was also to involve dirt regarding Hillary Clinton's dealings with Russia-- which, I must say, would have been a brilliant way to set up a meeting with Trump Jr back in 2016, now that I think about it. And it obviously worked; let's go to the horse's mouth for this one --
To everyone, in order to be totally transparent, I am releasing the entire chain of my e-mails with Rob Goldstone about the meeting on June 9, 2016. The first e-mail on June 3, 2016, was from Rob, who was relating a request from Emin, a person I know from the 2013 Ms Universe Pageant near Moscow. Emin and his father have a very highly-respected company in Moscow. The information they suggested they had about Hillary Clinton I thought was Political Opposition Research. I first wanted to just have a phone call but when that didn't work out, they said the woman would be in New York and asked if I would meet. I decided to take the meeting. The woman, as she had said publicly, was not a government official. And, as we have said, she had no information to provide and wanted to talk to us about adoption policy and the Magnitsky Act. To put this in context, this occurred before the Russian fever was in-vogue. As Rob Goldstone said just today in the press, the entire meeting was "the most inane nonsense I ever heard. And I was actually agitated by it."
So what do we really have here? If you take away all the drama, all the accusations, and look at the situation plainly, it appears that a woman, using a friend or friend-of-a-friend in a well-established company near Moscow, manipulated her way into a meeting with Donald Trump Jr, on the pretense of information that could be used against Hillary Clinton, in order to discuss a very specific law passed in 2012: the Magnitsky Act, which was passed in 2012 after the death of Russian lawyer and auditor Sergei Magnitsky, who died in prison after investigating fraud involving Russian tax officials. The law was designed to punish Russian officials, who are thought to be responsible for Sergei Magnitsky's death, by prohibiting their entrance to the United States, as well as their use of the Banking System. But Trump Jr and Goldstone were having none of it, none of the inane nonsense this woman had to sell.
So, is that Russian collusion? No, not in the slightest. All we have is a desperate woman trying to get a meeting with Donald Trump Jr., in hopes of getting around the Magnitsky Act -- and to no avail.
And now it's time for the Person You Should ACTUALLY Subscribe To! Today's PYSAST is The Politipod, a man I love and adore entirely for keeping the conversation about homeless veterans going while I'm so scattered. I love listening to his podcasts when I'm able to catch them, and I think you'll love him too. You can find the link to his channel, as well as links to all my sources for this piece, down below.
Good night and good luck, my loves.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Praying 4 u Sevvie! I will contribute but i am beyond broke. I have health troubles and am having a hard time. Been thinking about u. U do good work. KEEP FIGHTING! I will do what i can to try n help... #GodBless