Top 5 World News For This Week [28/09/2018]

in #news6 years ago

Last week of the month, guys! It's been a good one.

Here's the respective rundown of the most important news of the past days selected by yours truly. Even if you are busy or simply entertained by your daily life, you can catch the most relevant news here if you missed them, this list is dedicated to those people especially. Agai, thanks for reading! Let's begin.

5. Bill Cosby is Finally Sent to Jail

The personification of fatherhood for anyone who grew up in the ’80s or  ’90s, Bill Cosby, was sent to jail for the rape of Andrea Constand. 

This week, that trial resulted in the biggest name conviction in a  sex assault case since #MeToo (although most of Cosby’s accusers came forward before the movement began). The man once called “America’s Dad”  will now face 3–10 years in prison, an astounding fall from grace. Cosby’s defense also plumbed new depths during the trial by accusing both the media and his accusers of being part of a vast racist  conspiracy against prominent black men.  

4. Acapulco's Police Is Completely Disarmed

Now for some news of my home country. For the past few years, Acapulco has frequently ranked as one of the deadliest cities in the world. The  spiraling of Mexico’s war on drugs into a murderous free-for-all has led to the former resort town becoming a no-go area patrolled by vast gangs  of cops in military vehicles. At least, that was the case. 

This week, politicians in Guerrero state  took the unprecedented step of arresting and disarming Acapulco’s  entire police force. The reason they gave was a depressingly familiar one. They feared local law enforcement had become so corrupted by drug  dealers that they were effectively acting as another branch of the cartels

3. ISIS Declares Itself Responsible for Terrorist Attack

On Saturday, a small terrorist cell in Iran pulled off one of the most brazen attacks in the country’s history. At the height of a parade of the Revolutionary Guards—a kind  of elite army that works alongside the main one—three gunmen attacked the city of Ahvaz. In the carnage that followed, 29 were killed and scores injured. 

As for ISIS, the group quickly claimed responsibility for this attack. However, there’s some confusion as to whether they’re telling the truth. Arab separatist group Ahvaz National Resistance also released a statement saying they were behind the carnage.

2. Rod Rosenstein Rumors

On Monday, US media went into overdrive as reports came flooding through that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein—the guy overseeing Robert Mueller’s investigation—had been fired.  

Those were just rumors, though, later reports started coming in that Rosenstein hadn’t actually been fired. Instead, he was going to meet Trump  face-to-face on Thursday to discuss his future. In light of the  Kavanaugh/Ford testimony taking place that same day, the meeting was subsequently delayed.

For now, Rosenstein remains in place.

1. Argentina's Record IMF Bailout

Argentina has a long and unhappy history with financial institutions. Its debt default in 2001 remains one of the largest in history. On Wednesday, the IMF announced that it would increase the amount of money it was pumping into the Latin American nation’s bailout by $7.1  billion. The extra injection of cash makes this the largest bailout in IMF history 

President Mauricio Macri has promised to balance the budget by next year, let's it he delivers, the beautiful country of Argentina truly deserves it.


That's it for this week! Have a nice life.

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