What is the future of Fake News?

in #news7 years ago

Since the presidential election, the word 'Fake News' became more familiar around the world. So it was not the false news that was before, but it is not.

The small town of Velles in Macedonia. Before the US presidential election in 2016, nearly 100 news related news websites were published from this city. These websites used the trumpet 'Fake News' or fake news. And these false stories spread around the world for the welfare of social media

At that time, only young people in Velete earned thousands of euro a month by creating false news. Although they did not have much interest in American politics. Before the US presidential election, there were found out about 140 websites of fake news. And these fake news spread on Facebook. The more people clicked on those reports, the more revenue the websites had. Because the more clicks, the advertise on the website is too heavy. Basically this is a fake news source.

Since the presidential election, the word 'Fake News' became more familiar around the world. So it was not the false news that was before, but it is not. False news is meant to be based on the whole false information. Interestingly, the context of social media is now explicitly spoken with false news. Because the spread of the Internet and the introduction of social media has made the false news reach the most people. And there has been confusion in public with the credibility of 'news'.

A recent survey conducted in 28 countries of the world has revealed the confusion. According to the 2014 Adelman Trust Barometer poll, it is found that 59 percent of people are skeptical about the credibility of what they see in the news. On the other hand, seven out of every 10 people concerned about using this fak news or fake news as 'arms'.

63 percent of the participants of the Edelman Trust Barometer name do not know, how to separate honest journalism from rumors or false news! In other words, the concept of honest journalism in the general public of the world is unclear. Analysts say that this opportunity is spreading to Fake News. But the surveyor Edelman's official Stephen Kiho told CNBC that in such a situation, the importance of reliable news on the basis of credible sources has increased.

65 percent of the people who took part in this survey said that social media and search engines are the main source of news to them. But as the source of news, the importance of social media has diminished to people. The rise of the real journalism has been influenced by the official press.

The word 'Fake News' comes first in the light of the United States President Donald Trump. He has also announced the 'Fake News Award'.

' Politics of Fake News'
The word 'Fake News' comes first in the light of the United States President Donald Trump. Trump, who took charge of the White House officially in January last year. Earlier, in response to a question, CNN's reporter Jim Akhosta said, 'You are Fake News'! Then he used this phrase repeatedly on twitter. And recently it has announced the 'Fake News Award' trump.

BuzzFeed Media Editor Kreig Silverman told the BBC, "Trump and his supporters have played a role in the campaign. Remember, Donald Trump is the first politician in recent times who has made the word 'Fake News' a synonym for himself.

Since then, 'Fake News' became viral. According to the BBC, the search engine has been searched by Google in Google's 'Fake News' so far 50 million times. And in the same year, Twitter users have used the word 'Fake News' in twitter messages that have been used twice a day.

Since the use of the US President, the heads of government of different countries are now being heard of 'Fake News'. South Asian countries are not behind. Last week, Philippine President Rodrigo Dutte called a reporter named Rappler of his country as a 'Fake News Store'. After this, an investigation has started officially against Rappler.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen often complains of circulating 'Fake News' to his government's critically acclaimed media. He also supported the idea of ​​Trump Fak News Award. On the other hand, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has denied allegations of state funding. The media that published the findings of the news media about the OneMDB scandal was closed. The ban is still there.

Thailand has already passed the law, with the provision of imprisonment for preventing false news. Aung San Suu Kyi Sarker is not allowing the international media to enter the Rakhine state with the excuse of Fak News in Rohingya crisis. There have been 29 journalists arrested so far.

In 2009, the former editor of the magazine Far Eastern Economic Review, Philip Boering, told Reuters that the government has launched the phrase 'Fake News' to narrow down the freedom of the press. He said, 'This is a fraudulent strategy, which helps governments to justify their behavior.'

According to a recent survey, the importance of social media as a source of news has reduced considerably to people.

What is the effect of Fake News?

How do the fak news affect the general readers? Dartmouth's Princeton and the University of Exeter joint research showed that in the US elections in 2016, nearly 25 percent of US citizens would go into false media for six weeks. However, researchers say that only 10 percent of the total reader gave 60 percent of fake media reports. In other words, subscribers of false news are not more than the total.

Alexeys Mantzarlis, director of the International Fact-Checking Network of the Pointer Institute, told the BBC: "False news could not reduce the demand for the right news. From one side, it is said that the spread of false news is much more. But its effects could not go deeper. On the basis of false news, the time has not yet come to confirm whether the readers are voting in the election or not making any decision. More research is needed to say that the false news is poisoning our democracy. '

What will happen in the future?
If fate is good, maybe the 'Fake News' issue may be shown as an accident in 2017 in the future. So fight against false information but do not stop. Various organizations and governments have now started taking strong steps to prevent false news. However, it will take some time to understand the side effects of these steps.

There is no way to deny Internet contributions in spreading fakes news. A global survey of the Adelman Trust Barometer has found that the lowest level of confidence in news from platforms like Facebook and Google is the lowest in the world. In the meantime, Google and Facebook have said that they are taking steps to harass false news.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg said his firm, determined to stop spreading hate through false news, Google and Facebook - Two organizations will recruit countless employees to review the issue of fake news. BuzzFeed editor Kreig Silverman told the BBC, "I am interested to see how these two organizations will do the review work. Remember, social media companies are much stronger now. It should be ensured that these organizations do not prevent further publicity by stopping fake news.

There are fears about the governments of different countries as well as these organizations. From January 1 in Germany, a law has been issued to remove false news and illegal content from social media. If there is a violation of this law, there is a provision to pay a huge amount of money. Pointer Institute director Alexeus Montzarlis said, "Many times the lawmakers have been motivated by the lawmakers to make it more susceptible to the problem of false news. It needs caution. '

Claire Wardle, officer at the Harvard Shoresteen Center-based nonprofit organization, First Draft News, told the BBC, "I think we have to be a lot more visual (photos and videos). Including such topics in the news will be easy to prevent false news.

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