Sweden is taking it yet to another level, and the mainstream media is not covering it. Read this - it's insane.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Father of five, stabbed to death at "hemköp" (furniture store) in immigrant heavy Tensta, and a 17 year old girl gang-raped in Malmö. Not only was she gang raped - rumor has it they poured a flammable liquid on her female parts and lit it on fire.


Skjermbilde 2017-12-19 kl. 20.34.26.png

Police who are investigating this case said it was on a whole new level of sickness, which they had never seen in their 35 years as police officers. Well, doh..that's what you get when you invite barbarians into your country.

But does the big newspapers focus on these things? No. They focus on the #metoo campaign, where they go after their former white male boss who perhaps touched their ass or laid their arms around their shoulders one time in the 80's on a christmas party.

Also, the girl that was raped by 20 immigrant men some months ago, anally, orally and vaginally had to go through yet another abuse - namely that the perpetrators are free men.

Not only will they be free men, they will be economically compensated. The woman will however not.


At the same time the prime minster of Swedistan, Løvfen has made a new law, where he forbids sex without clear consent. What that means, no one knows. Should every white swedish male show up on the date with a formal letter of consent which both parties has to sign before touching or kissing?

I suspect he is doing this cover up the rapes that are going on. By staying one step ahead and making literally everything rape, the rape-rates will go through the roof, and shadow the fact that real and sick rape incidents like the ones over will just disappear in the numbers, and they can say; "But it's just because Sweden has so strict rape-laws"


Now they can frame the "patriarchial" ethnic white swedes for literally anything, while looking through their fingers on the barbaric rapes that well..ethnic swedes are not causing.


"There is no such thing as a domestic Swedish culture" - Ingrid Lomfors, Israeli-Swedish head of "Forum for Living History" in Sweden

only the free men will in freedom justice pursued

Hi @leeuw what's up?

Is it Turkish flag?

I guess:D

Nop, is the flag of old Sweden with the star and crescent superimposed... quite generic.

It was just a joke :) You are right it is quite generic.

Boys will be boys!

Yup! Just plain old normality!

what is this comment? those, the judges, the tribunal, the police, those who nomminated the judges, and the migrants aren't humans. they are not human beings. they appears as such, they may even bleed red, but they are not human. so you try to say that all men do this? it is totally wrong. you are with them, non human.



Autosvar: why did you let them free?

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Detta meddelande går inte att svara på.

Insane the capacity for destruction left wing people have.

They destroy everything they touch with no exceptions.

You guys need to prepare to fight for your lives. Eventually, it would ended up like that. A real fight for survival

Swedish People are the most naive on the planet. The leftist propaganda machine is super effective at what they do. The Swedish people are also so used to the government taking care of them so they see no reason to think for themselves. I feel sick to my stomach everyday, hearing people talk about politics thinking they're living in a democracy. Beginning in a couple weeks, the propaganda machine will be on full gears, brainwashing people for the coming elections...

the tribunal deserve to be droned striked... sweden isn't part of nato, it is fair game.

Løvfen has made a new law

Amazing, make more laws, sure that those who do not respect the laws that they had started to respect the new ones, that sounds quite logical...

Civil war when? I don't even think it would qualify as "civil war" if it's "new Swedes" Vs real Swedes...

I believe you mean, "crusade".

regime change cia style with fsb / mossad okay... that could be fun, the judge could be hanged and left freezing to death... I love it... cold war fare... btw. ... us troops need some cold rotation nowaday !!! invade sweden cloaked style, kill them all and leave, and deny :).


found this guy, first one to dare to say it face up ! without ouside military force he is condamned... they will arrest him soon, i guess, unless he is swedish military / sof...

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