What is element 115?
"Element 115 is an enigma of sorts. It was only added to the periodic table in 2016, yet for decades it has attracted extra attention because of a supposed connection to extraterrestrial technology and alien lifeforms."
"Bob Lazar stated that the “Sport Model” Flying Disc amplified the “Strong Nuclear Force” of Element 115 (UnUnPentium or UUP, currently named Moscovium) to generate the gravity field for “Space-Time Compression.” Bob also stated that the U.S. Government had 500 pounds of Element 115 in their possession. The raw Element 115 was given to the U.S. Goverment at S4 by the Reticulan EBEs in the form of discs. The scientists at S4 sent the Element 115 discs through Groom Lake to Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, to be milled for use in the Anti-Matter Reactor."
"Lazar eventually claimed that, while at Area 51, his job was to reverse-engineer an alien material called “element 115” that he claimed was used to power an alien spacecraft. Lazar has repeatedly hinted that he took a piece of element 115 from Area 51, and that this element is of great interest to the federal government."
"To make element 115, scientists have to smash very high-speed calcium ions, which have 20 protons, into a target with americium atoms, which have 95 protons.1 If everything works just right, then there is a rare occurrence of a calcium ion fusing with an americium atom to create an atom with 115 protons that can exist for a few hundred milliseconds."
Bob Lazar Explaining Element 115 from Area 51 (PART 1) - FindingUFO
Element 115 | ununpentium (Uup) was the temporary name of the chemical element, synthetic and super heavy, with atomic number 115. It is a chemical radioactive element. The most stable isotope of this element is Uup289, having a half-life of 220 milliseconds. Currently, this element is named in the periodic table of elements, moscovium.
"Element 115 was identified as the fuel of the alleged extraterrestrial ships that crashed in the United States at the end of World War II and during the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. This new element could hold the key to a powerful source of energy and control of gravity and the physicist Bob Lazar spoke of this discovery."
"According to Lazar, the element 115 was subjected to neutron bombardment inside the ship which produced its transmutation in the element 116 called Livermorium, which is much more unstable."