UFOS: Archaeological Finding, Hand Me Downs / Technology Transfer Program & Crash Retrieval
Bob Lazar Says UFO was an Archaeological Finding | Joe Rogan
Antarctica Whistleblower Saw Otherworldly Weapons, Suppressed Danger & Shady Experiments
"Hand me down from another civilization, another species to humans" @ 29:55
"Remember that the ACIO was the primary interface with extraterrestrial technologies and how to adapt them into mainstream society as well as military applications. We were exposed to ETs and knew of their agenda. Some of these ETs scared the hell out of the ACIO."
Dr. Anderson:
"There were agreements between our government -- specifically the NSA -- to cooperate with an ET species commonly called the Greys in exchange for their cooperation to stay hidden and conduct their biological experiments under the cloak of secrecy. There was also a bungled technology transfer program, but that's another story . . ."
"Fifteen was approached by the Greys in his role at the ACIO, and they desired to provide a full-scale technology transfer program, but Fifteen turned them down. He had already established a TTP with the Corteum, and felt that the Greys were too fractured organizationally to make good on their promises."
UFO whistleblower says U.S. recovered nonhuman "biologics" from crash sites