The White House will be blown up very soon...There were plans to build in Idaho a new White House...the Sparks-Reno Indian Reservation where the Republic was being restored
"The White House will be blown up very soon. According to an Intel source on the planned demolition of the White House"
"There were plans to build in Idaho a new White House and establish a central government sector there that connected the North American Alliance Super Powers."
"new UST coin has been created which can only be minted by the United States Treasury ((UST) with headquarters in Reno, Nevada. Thus, eliminating the power of the Rothschild’s privately-held Federal Reserve (The FED) which issued money as they pleased. All that will no longer be allowed, under no circumstances. And the new UST currency is fully backed by real wealth (gold-backed currency)."
"the US Treasury in Reno"
"the Sparks-Reno Indian Reservation where the Republic was being restored on sovereign land"