The ruble plunges to less than a penny, all fiat currencies are zeroed out, NO FIAT CURRENCY IS LEGAL IN QFS, new QFS currency system?
"Russians are desperately trying to find an alternative to the plunging ruble. Even volatile bitcoin has proven more stable than the Russian fiat currency since sanctions were imposed."
As the ruble plunges to less than a penny, dealings surge in Ukraine and Russia currency for bitcoin and stablecoins
"all fiat currencies are zeroed out."
"NO FIAT CURRENCY IS LEGAL IN QFS as it cannot be designated as “clean, clear, non-terroristic, or originating from legal activities”
FIAT currencies in “possession” at time of implementation of QFS and deemed “legal” will be exchanged for gold backed currency on a one to one basis."
Russia And China Roll Out 100% Gold-Backed Currency
Russia China will lead the world to gold standard
"With the activation of the QFS, the Alliance will have completely destroyed the Rothschild Central Banking system"
"A country that is not GESARA compliant will be left out of the QFS and eventually will be left out of the international trade. Their oil or grains, or whatever, are still valuable but how is a GESARA compliant nation going to pay for commodities to a non-participant in the QFS?
The money cannot be transferred. Non-compliant countries, if any, will be left to barter commodities or work out a credit exchange with other countries, a system that is not presently available to do business at any level of relevancy. Talking about third world countries – non-compliant countries will be relegated to fourth or fifth world countries.
Each country must be GESARA compliant to participate in the QFS."
"Trump and the Q military intelligence alliance backing him have already seized the gold and assets of the Old World Order, which took place while Italy was in lockdown during the COVID-19 psyop."