The miniature device could contain and sustain fusion reactions...The process of fusion itself heated the remaining fuel into a plasma hot enough to enable further fusion reactions
"the miniature device could contain and sustain fusion reactions capable of generating power in the gigawatt (1 billion watts) to terawatt (1 trillion watts) range or more."
"The secret behind a record-breaking nuclear fusion experiment that spit out 10 quadrillion watts of power in a split second has been revealed: a “self-heating” — or “burning” — plasma of neutron-heavy hydrogen inside the fuel capsule used in the experiment, according to researchers."
"Although the fuel capsule was only about a millimeter (0.04 inch) across, and the fusion reaction lasted only the briefest sliver of time, its output was equal to about 10% of all the energy from sunlight that hits Earth every instant, the researchers reported.
"The researchers said the reaction blasted out that much energy because the process of fusion itself heated the remaining fuel into a plasma hot enough to enable further fusion reactions."
"It creates high temperatures by hitting a tiny pellet of hydrogen at the center using 192 high-powered lasers, which themselves consume huge amounts of energy and can only be fired once every day or so"
"The inertial confinement approach was pioneered for testing thermonuclear weapons, and it is a long way from being a viable power source — such a power source would have to vaporize several such fuel pellets every second to have a great enough energy output to generate useful amounts of electricity."
"At the orbit of the earth the average solar wind consists of a strongly ionized gas having a proton and electron density of about 3 - 10 particles per cubic centimeter, with an average flow velocity of approximately 400 km/s."