Superhuman Black Sun leader to start transmitting their own propaganda via the Emergency Broadcast System?
"The Russian attack would happen without anybody expecting it and they would advance really quickly. With three spearheads attacking Eastern and Central Europe the Russians would get as far as the Ruhr and Rhine River regions. Here they would be stopped by a military force with weapons that no other state owns (The so-called Imperial Germans). During the war a powerful leader will emerge. It is the webmaster’s belief that this is the so-called Jesus Christ figure, Vishnu Kalki, Third Sargon, Messiah or Avenger. According to the Sajahan Prophecies the Third Sargon or Jesus Christ would emerge from the Land of the Midnight Mountain or Germany. This man would be of pure blood and related to the Ancient Babylonians (Aryan blood). This leader would lead the defense forces against the Russians and pass Judgment on all Mankind. According to the Vedas and Sajaha he would have incredible powers, being able to tremble the Earth with one mighty blow and would cast lightning strikes against the enemies. He would be superhuman."
"Special troops and units would either take control of these propaganda stations and start preaching the truth or they would take control of the airwaves and start transmitting their own propaganda."
"The over 2,000 Star Link Satellites were designed upon a Black Swan Event happening and under Project Odin, to knock out the Mass Media Satellites, flick the Quantum Switch and activate the Emergency Broadcast System."
"This will be followed by Ten Days of Darkness, where eight hours of documentaries will be shown 24/7 to educate the public about what is going on"
"the Alliance will host three days of eight-hour programs on what has been happening on Earth, what the Alliance has done about it, and what will happen in the days ahead"
"The “Alliance” is the House of the Black Sun"