String Theory: Vibrational Photon Encoded Reality Matrix?
"String theory depicts strings of energy that vibrate, but the strings are so tiny that you never perceive the vibrations directly, only their consequences. To understand these vibrations, you have to understand a classical type of wave called a standing wave — a wave that doesn’t appear to be moving."
"to encode light means to invite photons to occupy space and transform themselves into elementary particles and atoms, organizing themselves like an orchestra with a specific piece to perform as a group"
"photons (light packets) to co-locate matter according to the (quantum-potential and 4-spacetime) templates of the object we wish to manifest."
"It is then at this specific place in spacetime that high-energy photons are invited to transmute and become elementary particles forming atoms in atomic structures that conform the matter composition of the target object."
"According to quantum physics, nothing fully exists until it is observed—and the act of observation changes what is observed"
"Quantum fields are a mind-bending way of thinking. Everything that exists is just an effect of many infinite fields vibrating."
"The term observer effect in quantum physics means that the act of observing something will influence the thing being observed and by the observation, waves turn into particles"
"In fact, everything in the universe—from Earth itself to the natural world to the objects around you—is made up of energy and vibrations."
"There is a theory, that all matter is energy in vibration in it's core. I have read a lot of articles and watched a lot of videos and documentaries about that topic and they all state, that there is basically no matter and all is vibration. What we call matter is basically the energy in the low states of vibration."
"Imagine for a moment that your reality could be a hologram of vibrations of thought and light."
"thoughts are a frequency, your thoughts are a vibration. Your words creates in this holographic matrix. You conscious vibrations interfaces with this quantum filed of energy. Even your human aura is a field of light that is felt by others in all exchanges. We have called these various vibrations that emanate from your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and programs your energy signature."
"Even as solid as it feels and as solid as you experience it, it is a matrix of light particles. Interfacing and responding to other light particles of various vibrations and frequencies."
"Sacred geometry then describes the form equations for the translation of energy into matter, the interface between spirit and matter. To the ancient mind “everything that existed had form, materialized as volume, an expression of point, line and surface” (Lawlor)…the physical world was a play of symbols of forms, square-triangle-circle, representing higher realities. Only form was perceptible. What could not be symbolized could not be perceived and therefore did not exist.
Consciousness, as all being…**all manifestation, is essentially energy and thus vibration**. It manifests in universal harmonic patterns, frequency defined form. The fundamental nature of reality is in the wave…it is vibrational. **Every state of being from an atom, a flower, man, and star to a thought, feeling and dream occupies a characteristic frequency pattern**"
"Tesla said, “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. Everything material we see around us is manifest in physical (material) form as matter because it is vibrating at a certain frequency.
The couch in your house, the coffee mug, the bottle of water…each has its own vibrational frequency. Even non-physical things such as electricity, wi-fi signals, radio signals – they all have their own frequencies.
Not only that, even non-local objects (if I can even call them that) such as thoughts, emotions and beliefs have their own frequency too.
If you understand the frequency of each of these things, you will have a greater ability to understand how to manifest “things” that carry the right frequency or better yet, how to align yourself with the right frequency so you can create a resonant vibration to manifest certain things."
"Everything in a physical universe has a natural, resonant frequency – including the universe itself. That frequency is approximately 1.1 THz and can be utilized as a carrier wave. [10]
This can be called a vibration, a blinking, or a frequency, but perhaps a better explanation, in our terms - the entire physical universe is newly constructed and then collapses to a single point at approximately 1.1 trillion times each second, IN OUR TERMS (this must be emphasized). At the moment of collapse, there is no distance between galaxies - instant communication and instant travel are possible. (In larger terms of 5th dimensional space, all of time is simultaneous, and there is no blinking. From that vantage point, we would perceive all probabilities and all time as simultaneous.)
This resonant frequency is named the "Lighthouse Frequency.""