Scalar TR-3B Electromagnetic Energy EMP Pulse Anti-Aircraft / Anti-Vehicle / Anti-Nuclear / Anti-Satellite Drone Mothership Precision-Guided Munition Particle Beam Weapons System
"the craft can travel at Mach 9, vertically or horizontally. My sources say the performance is limited only the stresses that the human pilots can endure. This is a lot, really, considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the G forces are also reduced by 89%."
"The craft circuits override lower frequency, lower voltage electric circuits within and near their electromagnetic fields. One source briefly mentioned a 1941 incident, where a shortwave radio was used to override automobile ignition systems, up to 3 miles away.
When the shortwave radio was turned off, the cars could work again. How many UFO encounters have been reported in which automobile ignition systems have suddenly stopped?
I figure that things would not be at all pleasant for drivers of modern cars with computer controlled engine and ignition systems. Computer circuitry is sensitive to small changes in voltage and a temporary wrong-way voltage surge may wipe the computer memory out.
It could mean that a number of drivers would suddenly be stranded with their cars not working should such a craft fly low over a busy highway. Only diesel engines, already warmed up, and Stanley Steamer type steam engine cares are able to continue working in a strong electromagnetic field.
In May, 1988, it was reported that the U.S. Army had lost 5 Blackhawk helicopters and 22 crewmen in crashes caused by ordinary commercial radio broadcasting overriding the computer control circuits of those helicopters.
Certainly, computer circuits for for this aircraft / spacecraft can and must be designed to overcome this weakness."
"the engines of our plane have stopped running!"
"Electromagnetic Pulse attack which could disrupt the electrical grid and potentially damage electronics. Today, the department is releasing the Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Program Status Report as part of an update on efforts underway in support of Executive Order (E.O.) 13865 on Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses. E.O. 13865 establishes resilience and security standards for U.S. critical infrastructure as a national priority.
EMP weapons have the potential to disrupt unprotected critical infrastructure within the US and could impact millions over large parts of the country."
UFO disable 10 live nukes at top secret base
"a mothership for drones, guiding them on complex missions through enemy territory."
"a tungsten rod that could hit a city with the explosive power of an intercontinental ballistic missile.
During the Vietnam War, the US used what it called "Lazy Dog" bombs. These were simply solid-steel pieces, less than 2 inches long, fitted with fins.
There was no explosive: They were simply dropped by the hundreds from planes flying above Vietnam."
"The MK 108 30mm blowback autocannon was mounted in subsequent versions of Haunebu and Vril disks. It had been manufactured in Germany during the war by Rheinmetall-Borsig for use in aircraft. The cannon measured 1057 mm length and weighted 58 kg. Its rate of fire was of 650 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 540 m/s. Because of its slow muzzle velocity the cannon was difficult to aim and its range too short. However it proved to be very effective, reliable and easy to manufacture"
"A precision-guided munition (PGM, smart weapon, smart munition, smart bomb) is a guided munition intended to precisely hit a specific target, to minimize collateral damage and increase lethality against intended targets"
"“The drone swarm could attack from multiple angles, aiming to damage or destroy critical systems like radar antennas, deck guns, and weapons systems,” says Kallenborn."
The world’s first nuclear-powered fighter jet, Could fly for 15 years without landing
Recycled Nuclear Waste Will Power a New Reactor
"Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California successfully generated a fusion reaction between two hydrogen atoms and maintained that reaction in a controlled setting, marking the potential to use such reactions to generate huge amounts of energy without burning fuels."
"a “Plasma Compression Fusion Device” in 2019, it was either a giant breakthrough – or mad science. According to the patent application, the miniature device could contain and sustain fusion reactions capable of generating power in the gigawatt (1 billion watts) to terawatt (1 trillion watts) range or more. A large coal plant or mid-size nuclear powered reactor by comparison produces energy in the 1–2 gigawatt range. The revolutionary invention by Dr. Pais, if real, would produce near unlimited clean energy from something no larger than a sports utility vehicle."
"According to testimonies offered by military pilots involved in the project, “these spacecraft can incredibly reach lunar orbit in less than an hour.”"
"Powerful anti-satellite weapons have been developed by rival nations to knock out each other's satellites as the battle for space heats up."
"particle accelerators can accelerate positively charged hydrogen ions (protons) until their velocity approaches the speed of light. Each ion has a kinetic energy range of 100-1000+ MeV. The resulting high energy protons can capture electrons from electron emitter electrodes, and be thus electrically neutralized. This creates an electrically neutral beam of high energy hydrogen atoms, that can proceed in a straight line at near the speed of light to smash into its target and damage it.
The beam emitted may contain 1+ gigajoule of kinetic energy. The speed of a beam approaching that of light (299,792,458 m/s in a vacuum) in combination with the energy created by the weapon was thought to negate any realistic defense. Target hardening through shielding or materials selection was thought to be impractical or ineffective in 1984,[1] especially if the beam could sustain full power and precise focus on the target.[2]"
"Scalar Waves can be warped into a dome around objects, such as cities or houses (publishing companies included). Such a Scalar Wave force field is generally known as a Tesla Shield, and it would be analogous to the “shields” referred to in the popular “Star Trek” series
. Tesla Shields have a definite defensive application, and could not in any way be used for offensive purposes (although a platoon of soldiers charging into a Tesla Shield would be instantly disintegrated). The only defense from a blast of a Scalar Wave Howitzer would be a Tesla Shield."
"an invisible energetic barrier. Three members of the first special intervention team tried to touch the door, and immediately died of cardiac arrest.
Any object (rock, plastic, metal or wood) threw at the barrier, immediately turned into fine dust"