Portals at the poles?
"A massive, mysterious Hole has just opened up on the surface of Antarctica leaving experts confused as they are unable to explain what caused its formation."
"In the early 1970’s, ESSA, a project belonging to the Department of Commerce of the United States, gave media access to images of the North Pole taken by the ESSA-7 satellite on November 23, 1968. One of the photographs showed the North Pole covered by the usual cloud; the other one showed the same area without clouds, revealing a huge hole where the pole was supposed to be located."
"Conspiracy theorists claim to have stumbled upon NASA images that prove the controversial Hollow Earth theory. The Hollow Earth theory claims that the Earth is hollow and consists of an "inner Earth" populated by people and animals.
The inner Earth, according to Hollow Earth theorists, has a Sun and a technologically advanced civilization.
Hollow Earth conspiracy theorists claim there is a hole at the North Pole, as well as at the South Pole, through which the inner Earth can be accessed."
"These images reveal NASA is hiding a huge hole leading directly to the centre of the Earth, conspiracy theorists have claimed.
The “devastating” pictures are said to support the bizarre theory the planet’s core is actually hollow – and there is another world hidden inside.
It has been claimed the Earth’s middle has its own Sun and is roamed by “monstrous animals resembling the mammoth”."
'NASA images show giant hole at North Pole leading to hollow Earth' conspiracy theorists claim