"A prominent astrophysicist has confirmed that NIBIRU COULD COLLIDE WITH EARTH AS EARLY AS June 21st, 2023.
Dr. Frank Mallikovski, formerly with NASA, told Weekly World News that Planet Nibiru (also known as Planet X) is heading toward earth at an accelerated speed.
“I have been studying Nibiru for the last 25 years. There’s a lot of mathematical proof that this dark planet is creating waves of energy that is shaking the heavens.
“It is a unique planet that is hard to identify and hard to predict where it is at any given time. I try to locate it every night and have kept a log of its movements. It has never taken this trajectory before. I believe it is on a direct path to Earth. And I know I am right.”
It should be noted that many scientists, astronomers, and politicians have denied the existence of Nibiru.
“It’s a bunch of hogwash,” said Banesh Bannerje, a leading scientist for NASA. “Nibiru is a myth. Conspiracy theorists have long latched onto a belief in Planet X, but I have never seen any evidence of it. Never.”
“NASA always denies Nibiru’s existence,” responded Dr. Malikovski. “But they have been hiding the planet for decades. Do you believe everything NASA says? For some reason, they don’t want anyone on Earth to know about it. But it’s there. I will show you.”"