Nordic Alien Compression: Space and inner Earth Imperial Germans?
"Nordic aliens are tall, attractive extraterrestrials who could easily pass for a Scandinavian with their fair skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes."
"In the case of Nordic aliens, the stories about them have been circulating for decades. Since the 1950s there have been various reports by eyewitnesses who claim to have seen them. Others claimed to have been abducted."
"White Nordic people topped the racial hierarchy; Slavs, Blacks, and Arabs were lower, and Jews, who were believed to be an existential threat to the “Aryan Master race,” were at the very bottom."
"Nordic Aliens or Nordic Blondes are said by self-described contactees and some UFOlogists to be a group of humanoid extraterrestrials who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians purported to come from the Pleiades. Additionally, there are other races resembling the physical appearance of Nordics, that come from the inner earth. Nordics have had a direct relationship with providing esoteric rituals, racial purity or Eugenics concepts and off planet military technological information with Hitlers Schutzstaffe (SS), as well as are in direct alliances with the Black Suns that cooperate with and take their primary orders from within the Orion Group."
"The Imperial Germans are the Germans that live in the Inner Earthen colony of New Swabia. The capital city of New Swabia is New Berlin."
"the movie Iron Sky features a Nazi base on the moon surviving until modern times and launching an assault on earth via a fleet of flying saucers"
"COBRA is a codename for compression breakthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet. Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet."
"the continuation of World War II, which never ended but rather was paused. This Video deals with the Imperial Germans - Die Dritte Macht - and their return in a few years."