Nitric Oxide Emissions & Methane Termination Events
"More than half of the 50 per cent jump in methane’s growth rate between 2019 and 2020 was the result of reduced nitric oxide emissions from road transport, railways and planes during lockdowns, the study found.
Reduced transport emissions led to lower levels of a chemical called the hydroxyl radical – that acts like a detergent to remove methane from the atmosphere, researchers say."
"Large amounts of methane wafting from tropical wetlands into Earth's atmosphere could trigger warming similar to the "termination" events that ended ice ages — replacing frosty expanses of tundra with tropical savanna, a new study finds. Researchers first detected a strange peak in methane emissions in 2006, but until now, it was unclear where the gas was leaking from and if it constituted a novel trend.
"A termination is a major reorganization of the Earth's climate system," study lead author Euan Nisbet, a professor emeritus of Earth sciences at Royal Holloway, University of London, told Live Science. "These repeated changes have taken the world from ice ages into the sort of interglacial we have now.""
"Methane levels are currently sky-high, just like they were during Earth's previous termination events."