Nibiru: A brown dwarf star 50 - 60 billion miles from the Sun?
"Rabbi Alon Anava, a proponent of educating people about the potential threat of Nibiru, said last week that the dwarf star some believe is poised to destroy two-thirds of the world’s population in anticipation of the End of Days is the cause of recent extreme weather events."
"When Breaking Israel News first reported on an apocalyptic scenario involving a mysterious star or planet whose tail is expected to result in extensive damage to Earth’s land masses and death to millions, the story was met with plenty of skepticism.
Since then, however, the connection between the planet Nibiru – also known as Planet X – and End of Days has been discussed with increasingly seriousness by a wide range of Jewish scholars.
To date, the biggest name associated with this story is Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, a very prominent rabbi in Jerusalem. Although he did not verify an apocalyptic scenario, he did tell his student, Rabbi Daniel Travis, that there are big changes coming to the world. He also explained that the appearance of a star at the End of Days is plainly spoken of in the Zohar, Judaism’s primary mystical text."
"Jewish thinkers aren’t the only ones searching the skies. The two men also say that the Vatican has an interest in tracking Nibiru. “[T]he Vatican is interested in Nibiru as the star that will bring Moshiach (many places in the Bible, but especially the Star of Jacob mentioned [in Numbers 24:17]),” asserted Robinson."
"The Vatican last week issued an ominous warning to besieged American President Donald J. Trump: “Do not go to Nibiru. All you will find there is death,” according to a White House source who claims Trump received the message from a Vatican emissary who arrived in Washington early Friday afternoon. The message was delivered in a letter, authored by Pope Francis and Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, that directly referenced Trump’s intent to send the U.S. Space Force on a fact-finding mission to the Nibiru system."
"Nibiru, by all definitions, concepts and research scholars in the field, is a red or brown dwarf star that carries along with it seven planets orbiting around each other; therefore it is a Mini Solar System."
"Could our solar system resemble most other visible stars in our galaxy? As our galaxy is filled with solar systems comprised with multiple stars, it has always seemed strange that our solar system would be so unusual.
Strange. Or perhaps, unique and special.
Well, there is evidence that our Sun has a companion. It’s a very dim brown dwarf, tiny and out on the fringes of our solar system in the Oort cloud. That would make it a Binary Star System."
"A blistering star named Wormwood falls from the heavens bringing destruction and judgment. The star turns a third of the earth’s waters bitter and poisonous, killing many people."
"“Daniel frequently describes a large star that will approach the Earth and though it will not hit the planet, it will cause great damage,” Rabbi Samuel said. “Scientists have never seen anything like this so they don’t know what to expect."