National Debt, Average Salary / Savings, Median Net Worth, Bankrupted U.S. Corporation, Banking, Explosives, Blackmail, Sex Trafficking, Alliance, GESARA, QFS & Other News
"In order to pay off all of Uncle Sam’s liabilities, every taxpayer in the US would have to write a check for $796,000.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t have it.
The federal government has $5.95 trillion in assets and $129.06 trillion in liabilities. If it were a private company, the US government would be bankrupt."
"More than half, or 58%, of all Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck, according to the CNBC Your Money Financial Confidence Survey, conducted in partnership with Momentive.
And even more — roughly 70% — said they feel stressed about their finances, mostly due to inflation, economic uncertainty and rising interest rates, the survey found."
"According to data from the Federal Reserve's 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances, the average American family has $41,600 in savings, across savings accounts, checking accounts, money market accounts, call deposit accounts, and prepaid cards.
Note that this number is an average, not a median, which means it can be skewed by households with especially high or low balances."
"There are many ways to measure the state of wealth and savings in the US. This includes median household net worth, the distribution of overall wealth in the US, homeownership rates, and savings rates.
Median family net worth, inflation-adjusted
In 2019, the median net worth for families in the US was $140,399."
"The middle class is a reflection of household economic resources, measured by either income or wealth. Many expert sources use income to define the middle class. For example, the Pew Research Center defines middle-class households as those earning between two-thirds and two times the U.S. median household income.1 That’s between $45,014 and $134,502, using the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 median income of $67,521."
"The Social Security Trust Fund owns a significant portion of U.S. national debt, but how does that work and what does it mean?"
"They did not deny the legal existence of federal or state governments, but rather claimed that the county level was the "highest authority of government in our Republic as it is closest to the people." The basic Posse manual stated that there had been "subtle subversion" of the Constitution by various arms and levels of government, especially the judiciary. There was, in fact, a "criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice, disfranchise citizens and liquidate the Constitutional Republic of these United States.""
"A country with a huge national debt would receive money to pay off the debt by swapping the debt for wilderness lands."
US Gives China Eminent Domain Over US Property
"Gingrich claims Obama's order will let Interpol investigate American officials"
"The timing of the action is stunning as it supports Christopher Story’s December 17th report of the fanning out of Interpol officers to financial centers across the country to enforce the disbursement process of $47 Trillion in Lien Settlement funds to China and the British Monarchy. As the resulting complete and total collapse of the U.S. economy and the replacement of the dollar with a new currency is now around the corner"
"According to Christopher Story, a planeload of Interpol Police descended on Washington, D.C. on December 2nd as part of the entourage of World Court judges, MI-6 British Intelligence, and Chinese high-ranking officials to present a Writ of Execution on behalf of China’s $47 Trillion Lien on the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks."
"THE HAGUE in favor of the Chinese with the USA to start to settle the claims in 2008.";wap2=
"Bankruptcy that took place in 2008, become official in October 2021 and was now playing out on the World Stage."
"US Inc.’s bankruptcy in 2008 that resulted in a fiat dollar doing havoc to international trade.
That crisis was in the process of being solved through a Global Currency Reset that has been in the works for over twenty years."
"the United States "bankrupt" with a $250 trillion debt. He also called the ongoing issue of raising the U.S. debt ceiling a "bad comedy.""
"Biden, GOP reach debt-ceiling deal, now Congress must approve it to prevent calamitous default"
"However, the Democrats did not act on the debt ceiling increase, presumably because of Supreme Court Justice Thomas’s declaration that, “D.C is bankrupt. The US Corporation does not exist anymore. It is illegal for them (Congress) to pass this (Debt Ceiling Increase).”"
"The federal government has $5.95 trillion in assets and $129.06 trillion in liabilities. If it were a private company, the US government would be bankrupt."
"BREAKING: Biden administration pushing for freeze of U.S. bank withdrawals amid the decline in M2 money supply."
"A cash deposit in a bank is virtually an unsecured loan to the bank, with no assurance that your money is safe and easily accessible. To make it worse, the bank determines the terms and conditions for such a loan."
"In the end, however, it’s not just creditors who will be on the hook but depositors as well. Jim Sinclair pointed out that banks legally own depositors’ funds as soon as the depositors hand those funds over to the banks. The money becomes the banks and the “depositors” actually become unsecured creditors holding promises to pay. Previously the banks were obligated to pay back this loan on demand with cash. Under the new Federal Deposit Insurance Company – Bank of England (FDIC-BOE) plan revealed this year, however, these promises to pay become equity in the bank, which won’t be able to be used as payments for bills, which is why most people have money in the bank in the first place.
The point is that your money is not yours while it is “deposited” with a bank"
"Banks will be closed and there will be a lot of uncertainty and confusion. Some businesses will be temporarily closed. Some of those that remain open may accept cash, other will only accept gold or silver coins. Credit cards will not be accepted as the system will go down. There might be moderate problems with distribution chain, it is wise to stock up some food and gasoline."
"Those banks that did not have strong connections with Federal Reserve and did not go bankrupt will reopen. They will not be allowed to charge interest. All their accounting will be fully transparent to the public. Stock market will not reopen.
Revaluation will take place. It means that the exchange rates between various currencies will change, but not drastically They will reflect more truly the real productivity of nations. Iraqi Dinar will not gain much value, contrary to speculations of many people. Federal Reserve notes, Euro banknotes and other banknotes will be widely accepted, until they are phased out in a few months and new money is printed."
"the US dollar is set to crash and will be replaced with a new, interest free, gold-backed currency."
The Federal Reserve & The Treasury just merged into a single organization
"The Federal Reserve and IRS have been absorbed into the new US Treasury now headquartered on an Indian Reservation near Reno Nevada."
"Very soon they would be blowing up the White House according to the CIA. “The concrete blast barricades being placed around the White House is so the detonation blast (when the WH is imploded) won’t go out into the street and surrounding area.” It’s coming soon. You have seen the videos online of the late-night detonation flashes going on inside the WH on the second floor. The pillars are being weakened, in preparation for the upcoming implosion. …Benjamin Fulford
This is a planned demolition of the White House. The explosions are inside and you even sees the birds afraid and flying away. Soon they will blow up 34+ Government building worldwide as a symbolism for freedom and the end of the war against the evil Deep-State Cabal globalists"
"According to FBI Anon, the corruption of the Clinton Foundation could, if brought to light, bring about cataclysmic results to our nation."
"“There is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails they’ve seen of that 650,000, including money laundering, underage sex, pay-for-play, and, of course, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling, sending/receiving of classified information, up to SAP level Special Access Programs,” he stated.
“So the plot thickens. NYPD was pushing because, as an article quoted one of the chiefs – that’s the level just below commissioner – he said as a parent, as a father with daughters, he could not let that level of evil continue,” Prince said."
"Sources with links to the intelligence community report that Donald Trump is being investigated for trafficking underage girls into the United States for sexual abuse, under the guise of his shell modeling company, Trump Models.
These sources report that Trump is linked to a Russian-based human trafficking enterprise, where girls and women were kidnapped into sexual slavery. This includes underage girls and minors.
The human trafficking arrests made recently in Europe, and several human trafficking cases in the United States, are linked to the same paedophile ring, these sources say."
"The couple reportedly ran a "honey-trap" operation in which they provided young girls to prominent politicians from around the world for sex, and then used the incidents to blackmail them in order to attain information for Israeli intelligence."
NYC Taxpayers Spending Millions on Cyber Center with Controversial Ties to Israeli Intelligence
30-ton shipment of explosive chemicals missing from railroad car after trip across West
"The individuals involved were planning to buy plutonium from Nigerian sources, according to phone conversations monitored by the police.
The fraud posed “severe threats” to international financial stability, the prosecutors said in the statement."
"Those in the US will be first, and probably won’t realize that within a few days, or weeks, after they accept, the entire world will be on the exact same system."
"Each country must be GESARA compliant to participate in the QFS. The Alliance will use a specific quantitative formula to establish the amount of currency available, “in a country,” which is to be gold-backed in the QFS. The results of the formula will establish a fair value of each country’s assets as compared to one and another. There is far more gold than needed to accomplish the gold-backing of all world currencies. Once established through the GCR, the price of gold will become irrelevant for the value of a specific currency against each other. All monies are equally calibrated."
"An international military force has repatriated to the US Treasury, 650 plane loads of gold and cash from the Vatican according to Charlie Ward, Ph. D, whose team secured the gold and valuables. “The military also arrested 13-demon-bloodline families, Mafia heads, the Pope and 350 personnel in the Vatican. Then they cleared out the Vatican of cash, gold and valuables in 650 plane loads and flew it to Fort Knox and other US Treasury locations” Ward continued."
"According to Madsen, this group is fully operational and is called the “Q Group” of the National Security Agency and its headquarters are within the headquarters of NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland. Q Group works in close cooperation with the FBI counter intelligence officers, as well as local police department intelligence units.
Madsen insists that the group is very large and approximately 1,000 agents and informers are employed by this secret agency within the already secretive NSA."
"Biblical war between Alliance (good) and Cabal/Deep State/Swamp (bad)
Modern conflict begins in early 1950s (Cold War) with President Eisenhower
Alliance has made several unsuccessful attempts to bring down Cabal
1952 President Eisenhower blocked from invading Area 51
President Kennedy assassinated
Iran-Contra Affair
President Reagan assasination attempt
Whitewater Investigation (really Chinagate) and demolition of Murrow Building to destroy documents
911 and demolition of documents at both World Trade Center and Navy section of Pentagon
Both sides have Looking Glass Technology
No matter what scenario is run, the timeline keeps collapsing to a single outcome – Cabal defeat
Both sides know what Q says – “Game Over”
Cabal now only delaying their inevitable demise
Upcoming 3 Days of Darkness
No internet or telephone
Alliance engineers must remove “dark nodes” in internet to remove choke points & Deep State surveillance mechanisms
POTUS will communicate with population via Emergency Broadcast System
Deep State criminals being rounded up in these 3 days as over 160,000 indictments unsealed world-wide
***After criminal round-up, there will be two days of TV airing three 8 hour segments explaining to population what has happened***"
"In a recent interview with David Wilcock, Insider ‘Drake’ stated a comprehensive plan to arrest all corrupt globalist, banksters and the political elite within a 72 hour period involving the closing down of U.S. borders and satellite communications to prevent and out of country money transfers. Drake added that a transition plan is already in place to convert the U.S. dollar to one that is not based on fiat currency. Additionally, we can expect to see the release of many suppressed technologies that will make our modern life seem like the Stone Age."
"Enables the release of thousands of hidden patents for suppressed technologies currently held under the guise of national security–including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines."
"Implementation of GESARA as a universal constitutional framework for global governance in all 209 sovereign nations per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States."
"The Government leaders of all 209 countries of the world signed this agreement to allow GESARA and this new Quantum Financial System to be implemented worldwide by the Alliance."
"The plans for NESARA originally and then GESARA, to use the acronyms, were outlines of financial restructuring that is more in keeping with the intent of the founders of the OITC funds."
"Registered in the United Nations under Registration Number 0104556139235, they operate as the 5th Level Clearance part of the global financial management control system under their Charter, which is known as charter Control Number 10-60847. The financial system is two-tiered, one tier is off ledger funds that represent collateral, and the other tier is on ledger funds that represent available money, often referred to as back screen and front screen. When money moves from the back screen to the front screen, the movement must be authorized by OITC."
"the federal government considers the OITC a fraudulent organization."
Quantum Financial System (QFS)
This is the Quantum Financial System Manual of
This is your Financial Bible
Is a new history of global finance about to be written in gold?