Manhattan Project II: The United States Congress & Bilderberg Group?
United States Congress
"The United States Congress Tuesday held its first hearing in half a century on unidentified flying objects. And no, there is still no government confirmation of extraterrestrial life."
"the Bilderberg Group’s involvement with “black gold” is to provide long-term funding for a globally coordinated ‘second’ Manhattan Project.
The ultimate goal of this globally coordinated project is to comprehensively deal with a subject so vast and complex as to dwarf the resources of any one nation - extraterrestrial life and technology."
Dead Star & Planet X
Ancient Arrow
"The discovery -- referred to by the ACIO as the Ancient Arrow project -- consisted of 23 chambers and connecting tunnels hollowed out deep within a huge, natural rock structure in a remote canyon of northern New Mexico. Inside this massive and well-hidden structure were incredible artifacts of a culture that was of indeterminate origins. In each of the 23 chambers were found wall paintings, various alien technologies, and strange, encoded hieroglyphs. By most appearances, the discovery was like a natural history museum from an alien race. It became known among the researchers as ETC or Extraterrestrial Time Capsule.
Because of carbon-dating analyses, it was initially assumed that this time capsule was left behind by extraterrestrials that had visited earth in the 8th century AD. However, it wasn't until 1997 that the encoded language found within the site and its artifacts became accessible to the ACIO. It was then that it was determined that the time capsule was actually designed and built by a future version of humankind who were adept at interactive time travel. They called themselves, WingMakers."
Hollow Earth
Macuxi Indians claim Earth is Hollow and inhabited by “Giant Creatures”
"The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth."
Bucegi Mountains
"The location of the alien base inside the ‘Masivul Bucegi’ mountain, Romania"
"the FBI has quietly been releasing documents that could challenge everything we know about space-time and reality.
The documents, which have been released from the Bureau’s archives, suggest that these so-called interdimensional entities have been visiting us for a long time and have taken extra precautions so as not to be seen in our visual spectrum."
"The Dulce Base is apparently believed to be the largest Reptilian and Grey Alien base in America"
Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America
"The Russian government on Tuesday took a bold step in its war against the Anunnaki"
Russian submarines in secret battle with ‘ALIENS’ deep under the oceans, top secret Kremlin documents claim