Interplanetary Spaceport With Spacecrafts
"spaceport or cosmodrome is a site for launching or receiving spacecraft, by analogy to a seaport for ships or an airport for aircraft. The word spaceport, and even more so cosmodrome, has traditionally been used for sites capable of launching spacecraft into orbit"
"The secret space program Andromeda Spaceship, according to conspiracy theorists, is by far the most advanced space vehicle ever built by humans. It is capable of withstanding the heat of the sun and can fly at great speeds to nearby stars."
TR-3B Black Triangle – Code Name: ASTRA – Magnetic Field Disruptor Plane
"The first-generation Cosmospheres were weapons platforms that were ELECTRO-GRAVITIC (could hover against gravity), ATOMIC POWERED, horizontally positioned by rocket thrusters, somehow invisible to radar beyond about 40 miles (perhaps from a radar-absorbing coating), armed with CHARGED-PARTICLE BEAM weapons (at least a hundred times less powerful than those in the Moon bases)"
"Jumbo Cosmospheres are much larger than the 1st- generation models, and use ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPULSION instead of rocket thrusters to move around."
Nikola Tesla's flying saucer: electromagnetic field lift experiments