Hyperborea: A mysterious interdimensional floating continent (Skyland) located in the polar part of the Arctic Ocean?
"Hyperborea is not an island, but a skyland."
"Hyperborea was a floating island in the North Pole sky. A suspended continent with thousands of people in several cities among forests, orchards, fields, mountains and rivers."
"The cloud was transparent and I saw beautiful tall buildings inside it, with tarred roads and cars. It was like a flying city. And from it I could hear the sound of machines making noise just as you would hear at Ashaka cement factory.”
"In all likelihood, this seventh continent was the mysterious continent that Herodotus wrote of (about 425 BC) in his History and called “Hyperborea”.
Mercator’s map of Hyperborea
The map of Hyperborea made by the famous cartographer Gerhard Mercator, dated 1554, shows this continent centrally located in the polar part of the Arctic Ocean."
"According to certain esoteric systems and spiritual traditions, Hyperborea was the terrestrial and celestial beginning of civilisation. The home of original Man. Some theories postulate Hyperborea was the original Garden of Eden, the point where the earthly and heavenly planes meet."
"Hyperborea literally means “above the North Pole.” The Hyperboreans are also called the Aesir, the Olympians, the Elohim or the Anunnaki, according to local traditions. They are the same astronaut gods, almighty aliens with almost unlimited science."
"The Inventio Fortunata described a very different topography for the Arctic Circle to that which we have been told exists today and was the authoritative basis for mainstream maps, globes and atlas’ for more than 150 years when that particular configuration of land around the North Pole was censored from the public’s awareness by simply and literally erasing it from the maps"
The black knight satellite is a world famous object floating in polar orbit