Final War: Nazi Messiah, Jewish Messiah & Islam vs The USA?
"One of Spiers’ theories was that Nazis and Zionists were now “working in alignment” after a war stretching back “50,000 years”."
"Just two weeks before Max Spier's death, in his last ever interview, he spoke of his belief in a new era of Nazi power, the Fourth Reich. Max believes that Nazis who survived the Second World War and avoided being imprisoned went underground and joined forces with other organisations from around the world to further their research into dark magic.
Just like the aim of secret societies, the Nazi party's agenda was to take over Europe, to work towards a One World Government. Some believe that after World War I and II a new era of peace fell over Europe which led to the formation of the United Nations, uniting Europe and bring the New World Order a step closer to their ultimate goal of uniting the countries of the world into one."
Hitler's Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich
"He claims to have personally traveled to Mars and describes witnessing a number of facilities which are owned by a space program called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). The condition of workers he saw at these ICC facilities made him suspect that they were being used as “slave labor.” Surprisingly, the Corporate Conglomerate has authority over military facilities that have also been built on Mars by other space programs. Corey’s response that a corporate entity essentially runs Mars using slave labor is quite disturbing.
Even more disturbing are his revelations about a secret Nazi Space Program that became operational during the Second World War despite the defeat of the Axis powers. The Nazis, according to Corey, escaped to secret bases in South America and Antarctica, where they established an alliance with a group of extraterrestrials called the Draco Reptilians. The Nazis were then able to successfully defeat a punitive military expedition by Admiral Byrd called Operation Highjump in 1947. Corey says that after a demonstration of Nazi technological superiority during the 1952 Washington UFO Flyover, both the Truman and Eisenhower administration negotiated agreements with the Nazi breakaway civilization. The Nazis then proceeded to infiltrate the U.S. national security system in ways that have undermined the independence and integrity of various US and international space programs, both civilian and military. Slave labor was a major practice in Nazi World War 2 industries, it appears that this continues with organizations that the Nazi breakaway civilization has infiltrated such as ICC operations on Mars."
"It’s worth first examining how a key ideological principle from the Nazi SS, the use of slave labor, was likely continued by a Nazi infiltrated U.S. Military Industrial Complex in both deep underground military bases, and corporate run elements of a secret space program.
After his release from Spandau Prison in 1966, Albert Speer, Nazi Germany’s Armaments Minister, wrote a book about the parallel industrial infrastructure developed by Himmler’s SS to build super weapons that would win the war. In Infiltration: How Heinrich Himmler Schemed to Build an SS Industrial Empire, Speer describes how he had been ordered to support Himmler’s SS in building its parallel industrial empire that used millions of slaves for building super weapons in huge underground construction facilities.
Some 14.6 million slaves working to carry out Hitler’s and Himmler’s construction plans: a human lifetime later, this seems like a sheer pipe dream. But we must not forget that between 1942 and 1945, Sauckel [Nazi Head of Labor Deployment] managed to deport 7,652,000 people from the occupied territories to Germany in order to use them for German industry. (Infiltration, 302)
Not only would the SS use millions of slaves to win the war, but planned to continue to use slaves in peacetime to prepare for a final conflict with the USA."
"the continuation of World War II, which never ended but rather was paused. This Video deals with the Imperial Germans - Die Dritte Macht - and their return in a few years."
"Rabbi Samuel said. “But before it comes, there will be a horrible war – the likes of which has never been seen. Entire cities, huge, urban centers, will be destroyed. The United States will be unrecognizable after the war.”"
"This army would be led by a messianic figure, the so called Jesus Christ figure or Third Sargon from the Sajahan Prophecies."
"A recent interview on Israeli radio featured prominent rabbis explaining that the Messiah is just about to reveal himself.
Rabbi Yaakov Zisholtz told religious broadcaster Radio 2000 that Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (who passed away earlier this year) had told him that he (Kanievsky) was already in direct contact with the Messiah."
Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam leader, leads 'Death to America' chant in Iran
"The Mahdi will be only such a just ruler who will rule towards the end of the world and he will be one of Jesus’ aides."