Donald J. Trump to use the Emergency Broadcast System to send out 7 Presidential Msgs to everyone’s phones worldwide
"President Trump resigned as the President of the U.S. Inc. Corporation. He had to resign in order to become the President for the United States for America, the restored republic, to be able to indict all the traitors, all the CEOs of the U.S. Corporation (45 minute mark). Over a million to be arrested"
"The Emergency Broadcast System was expected to soon go off, complete with Martial Law across the globe."
"Three Days of Major Events to Trigger the Emergency Broadcast System and Martial Law"
"POTUS would likely activate the Emergency Broadcast System to communicate with We The People"
""The People" does NOT include you and me.
(Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243)"
"the US Republic would be restored to the original Constitution and return power to The People. To make that happen, the Mass Media and Internet would go offline while the Emergency Broadcast System was activated with messages from President Trump."
"When The Event goes down President Trump will be sending out 7 Presidential Msgs to everyone’s phones worldwide. 7 P’s AKA 7 Trumpets = 7 Kingdoms."
"A worldwide Blackout was part of the US Space Force Trump Card. It should be a quick change over to Tesla Free Energy to provide power for the Emergency Broadcast System.
The Blackout would be followed by Ten Days of Disclosure: 3 x 8hr Movies running 24/7 for 10 days in many languages."
"There was an expected Emergency Broadcast System release soon, along with worldwide Martial Law as we went into ten days of Darkness while the Mass Media went down in order for 8 hour documentaries to play three times a day that explained what was going on."