Djinn over NJ REACT to hearing "JESUS"?
"Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall, another translator of the Qur'an from England, gives another meaning of Jinns. He says another meaning of Jinns is foreigners (Aliens) which means they are extraterrestrial (from outside the earth)."
"Plasma could be interpreted as the smokeless Fire described in the Qur'an."
"They call these creatures as Plasmabeasts. Plasmabeasts can be construed as nothing but the Jinns."
"Regarding the aerial nature of the jinn, on the basis of two Quranic assertions, this defining characteristic would seem certain. The first of these assertions is that the jinn are capable of ascending the skies at will to reach heaven’s boundaries (Q 15:18; 37:10; 72:8–9).10 The second assertion is that the jinn are composed of a type of fire (Q 15:27; 55:15), a composition that should be taken to mean “the burning air of the solar day,” as Jacqueline Chabbi has recently argued.”"
"This would imply that the prima materia of the creation of the jinn, their ground substance is what we modern humans call plasma, and this is not the first time modern scientific research has found its way into Islamic cryptology and folkloric traditions"
"Iblis and his offspring were created from a substance usually called när as-samūm. This nār as-samām (or mārij min nār as it is sometimes described) is explained in a variety of ways. For some, it is the fierce heat of a smokeless fire, a heat that penetrates the pores. It is also the substance from which lightning bolts are produced."
"Back to the Jinn. Another incredible comparison is they say Jinns are made out of smokeless fire. Plasma is basically smokeless fire. Plasma is the substance that makes up the Maya, or the Illusions we see. Even though very much real to us, what we see is our own perspective and may not be someone else's truth, much like an actual illusion.
They call the fire that makes up the Jinn smokeless fire. They call that fire samūm. On the authority of Abu Ubaidah, samūm is the fire that "penetrates the pores due to its fineness in the day-time as well as at night". Abu Sãlih is reported as saying that samūm is smokeless fire located between the heavens and the veil.
Sounds a lot like plasma that penetrates the pores of everything much like they say in Animism. That everything is alive. All is soul. All is plasma.
Plasma means to mold. Jinn means to hide and adapt. The Jinn are molding, feedbacking, and adapting to our human consciousness.
To summarize, to me it feels like the Jinn are plasma beings."
Unveiling Plasma: The Mysterious 'Smokeless Fire'
Mysterious Orbs over NJ REACT to hearing "JESUS" the truth about UFO Drones
The Red Mercury Anomaly, 7 Djinn Kings and their Cold War Mystery