Creating The Archetype: Quantum Multi-Dimensional Human Time Machine With Wormhole Projection

in #news11 months ago

"An archetype is a literary device in which a character is created based on a set of qualities or traits that are specific and identifiable for readers. The term archetype is derived from the studies and writings of psychologist Carl Jung who believed that archetypes are part of humanity’s collective unconscious or memory of universal experiences. In a literary context, characters (and sometimes images or themes) that symbolically embody universal meanings and basic human experiences, independent of time or place, are considered archetypes"

"In the same way that a car needs gasoline, a time machine needs to have fabulous amounts of energy. One either has to harness the power of a star, or to find something called “exotic” matter (which falls up, rather than down) or find a source of negative energy."

"one version requires enormous amounts of positive energy, e.g. a black hole"

"one version requires vast amounts of negative energy"

"another version requires large amounts of negative matter. Unfortunately, negative matter has never been seen in nature (it would fall up, rather than down)."

"He was a renegade genius who wanted to build computers that would be powerful enough to time travel."

"The Labyrinth Group, for all it knows, already possesses BST, but lacks the time traveler equivalent of an astronaut who can appropriately finesse the technology in real time and make the split-second adjustments that BST requires.

"The Labyrinth Group has never seriously considered the human element of BST and how it is integral to the technology itself."

"Namely, that they claimed that the 3-dimensional 5-sensory domain that humans have adjusted to, is the reason we are only using a fractional portion of our intelligence. They claimed that the time capsule would be the bridge from the 3-dimensional 5 sensory domain to the multidimensional 7-sensory domain.

"In my opinion, they were saying that in order to apply BST, the traveler needed to operate from the multidimensional 7-sensory domain. Otherwise, BST was the proverbial camel through the eye of the needle . . . or in other words . . . impossible . . . ""


"Our DNA can feed its proper data into a network of consciousness and can call up data from the network and also establish contact with other participants in the network. When words and phrases are spoken and modulated on specific frequencies — the reprogramming effect on DNA are extraordinary.

In recent years, Russian scientists have embarked on groundbreaking DNA research, and have made a stunning scientific discovery. In an astonishing experiment, these scientists discovered that the human body’s DNA can easily be reprogrammed by human speech.

According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and in communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless junk DNA follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. So human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.

Researchers have been able to “cut and paste” the desired programming onto a human DNA molecule — and successfully repaired damaged DNA or reprogrammed the human genome altogether"

Elon Musk on mRNA "You could turn someone into a freaking butterfly with the right DNA sequence"

"DNA appears to possess the two structural characteristics of fractal antennas, electronic conduction and self symmetry."


"At its core, “mind over matter” suggests that the power of the mind is paramount in overcoming obstacles"

"Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy, that first appeared in Richard Bandler and John Grinder's 1975 book The Structure of Magic I."

"And because of the invincible power within her, her thought was not an idle thought."

Quantum Computer = Human Brain

"The human brain has amazing capabilities making it in many ways more powerful than the world’s most advanced computers."

"A team of scientists believe our brains could use quantum computation"

"boost fluid intelligence so that BST was not only able to be developed, but also utilized . . . ""

"our human abilities . . . so we're able to utilize BST successfully as a defensive weapon. But more generally, I think this new consciousness is also -- in itself -- a defensive weapon.""

"The most powerful computer known is the brain. The human brain possesses about 100 billion neurons with roughly 1 quadrillion — 1 million billion — connections known as synapses wiring these cells together."

Machine = Human Body

"human complex oscillating biological entity"

"the human body looked more and more like a hugely complex machine."

Exotic Matter = New Biblical Body(Spirit & Water)

"Jesus has a physical body, with a difference."

"The third technology consists of defining the intervention point. In every major decision, there are hundreds if not thousands of intervention points in horizontal time as a thought unfolds and moves through its development phase. However, in vertical time, there is only one intervention point or what we sometimes called the causal seed. In other words, if you can access vertical time intelligence you can identify the intervention point that is the causal seed. This technology identifies the most probable intervention points and ranks their priority. It enables focus of the remaining technologies.

"The fourth technology is related to the third. It's the scenario modeling technology"

"3Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

Power Of A Star

"the power of God."

"He breathed his spirit into Adam. The spirit is the power of his mother, but he did not realize this, because he lives in ignorance"

Positive Energy

"the power of the Highest"

"19And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God"

Negative Energy

"Negative emotions are unpleasant and disruptive emotional reactions. Examples of negative emotions include sadness, fear, anger, or jealousy"

Wormhole Projection

"The wormhole theory postulates that a theoretical passage through space-time could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe."

"As you LERM an MPOed object, the "visualization" of the target object is on the physical object. However, the overunity sink ( i.e., the enteric brain complex in the ventral area of the human body) is focused on the quantum potential templaic conformation of the 4-dimensional target object. The moment you lock your visual vector-intention on your target object in 4-spacetime, the quantum potential templaic lock occurs automatically. You don't have to do anything consciously for this to happen; your enteric complex performs that function for you beyond normal awareness"

100th Monkey

"The Hundredth Monkey Effect is the spontaneous transference of knowledge throughout a species once a certain number of individuals has learned a new idea or action. It bypasses physical barriers. A mind-to-mind jump. A leap in consciousness."

Evolution Of The Species

"Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways. This variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the environment than others."

"Natural selection can lead to speciation, where one species gives rise to a new and distinctly different species. It is one of the processes that drives evolution and helps to explain the diversity of life on Earth."

Theoretical Physics Of The Impossible

"12Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

"27And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."

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