Bigfoot & The Montauk Beast
"He said that Nichols and many of the other scientists had fled the base when a beast had appeared on the base in the culminating event that would get it shut down."
"The contingency program was activated by someone approaching Duncan while he was in the chair and simply whispering ‘The time is now.’ At this moment, he let loose a monster from his subconscious.
“And the transmitter actually portrayed a hairy monster. It was big, hairy, hungry and nasty. But it didn’t appear underground in the null point. It showed up somewhere on the base. It would eat anything it could find. And it smashed everything in sight.
“Several different people saw it, but almost everyone described a different beast.”"
"In 1983, Duncan Cameron sat in the Montauk chair and, prompted by Preston, thought of a large black beast rampaging through Camp Hero. A beast appeared, it rampaged through the base, and Jack Pruett and Preston Nichols set about cutting cables to shut down power to the equipment. The NSA immediately abandoned the base and shut down the other 24 Montauk bases as well, and both the Air Force and the Navy denied any involvement. This allowed an intrepid Preston to go there later on, in 1984, and salvage documents and machinery."
"Nichols said he had to smash all of the equipment that powered the Montauk Chair before the beast vanished into oblivion."
"One admittedly controversial and outlandish idea that has nevertheless gained more and more momentum and traction in recent years is that, rather than a flesh-and-blood animal that has simply remained undiscovered, we are perhaps dealing with an entity from some other reality or dimension, that instead of Earthbound biological creatures we are encountering interdimensional interlopers that shuffle back and forth across whatever membrane that separates our realms either by accident or design."
"Bigfoot may be an inter-dimensional being because Bigfoot’s sightings are linked to UFOs, strange lights in the skies, psychic phenomenon, and because he never leaves evidence behind.
While he is said to have features like that of a bear or a monkey, he has never left evidence like bones or fur"