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RE: Girl Wants To Be Gamers :)?, 80% Man Didn't Believe (True or Not?)

in #news8 years ago

dude -,- our brain have different way are a man and i am a using logic , girl using a feelings ....
do you know what`s my games? MMORPG games,there is so much social element in there,not like other type of game,you can search it in google for more information about MMORPG games...
about if someone called my mother a bitch ...maybe you dont care about that...but i am care about that because girl are using feelings...and what do you do in game can make a impact for your real or not,you will know that.....
yeah man mayority in game is not wrong ...but man with negative/ bad traits are not good...they will be a background of some problem...and i am be a victim and i want the justice for the wommanhood in game are back :3 just like they ddint give a problem with us


Men don't exclusively use logic, and women don't exclusively use feelings, when it comes to decision-making. But kudos to you for realizing it does tend to work like that (and there's nothing wrong with it!).

When someone insults my mother in a game (and it happened plenty of times, some people don't know how to lose), of course I feel something. But then I realize this is some random internet loser spewing bullshit, and I let it go.

It has more to do with emotional maturity than being a man or a woman really.

Regarding your comment about men with negative/bad traits not being good.. well, sure, but again I ask, is it sex-specific? I don't think so. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman if the person is acting like an ass.

I don't know what you mean by "justice for the womanhood in games", the English is not very clear. But I think I know what you mean:

It is typical for boys/men to tease and playfully insult each other, and most of the time this is actually not done to harm the other person. It's a way to practice not caring about what other people say.

I don't think this has changed over the last 15 years (really don't know) but if games are still mostly played by boys and men, then you have to realize that it's only natural that traits naturally displayed by boys and men will be prevalent.

It's the same in any female-dominated space too.

If you're coming to play with the boys, then I think you need to adapt a little bit to their style, instead of immediately trying to change the rules of the place.

This is why men like having their spaces, this is something women do, perhaps without realizing they're doing it. I'm sure many of the guys here will agree.

Bottom line is this.. nothing prevents you from joining the games, playing and having fun, and in the virtual world it matters a lot less what your sex is, because you don't have the immense physical differences to overcome.

Let's all play games together happily and not turn it into a who's-oppressing-who narrative :)

What do you think?

okay dude -,- you right just got a rare win ...forget this :3 ... i am not fluently to speak english i give up for emotional maturity :P

i got learn from this debate :3 .... learn about my english skill :v