Net Neutrality and Your Call to Action

in #news7 years ago


By now, many of you should have seen something about the vote going on this December 14th to end Net Neutrality. If you don't know, to sum up the idea: they're proposing to take away nearly every net neutrality rule on the book, allowing the internet providers to experiment with fast and slow lanes, prioritize traffic of sites they own or who pay more, and even block certain apps, sites, and services.


This proposes a threat to many online communities but one, in particular, would be the crypto-currency community. As we all know, crypto-currencies are a threat to our fiat currency and the government has done all it can to try and say that it's a scam, waste of money, or a fad. Though it has proven itself, they may be right if this motion passes. If we were to speak figuratively to this idea, that would mean that internet providers would be able to cut our ability to mine, trade or do anything with crypto-currencies and require us to pay a substantial amount more so long as they informed us.


Please realize that a vast majority of the internet providers in the US is involved with ALEC, a group of corporations that use this position to get bills passed that helps their bottom line. Please realize that this is the government trying to take back power. Please understand that if this motion passes, we will be giving the government more power over us and what we do for no reason.


Your Call to Action

What are we supposed to do about this? Be heard. Talk to your local congressmen, call them, fax them but make sure to be heard. I know, there are a lot of people who have anxiety like I do and don't like to talk on the phone. You don't have to. At , you can find the information about your local congressmen and which numbers and fax numbers that you can use in order to get your message to them.

Another method that you can do, is text "Resist" to 50409 and the Resistbot will help you find out who your local congressmen are, and if you want to do it on your computer, you can go to to do the same thing. I did and recommend this method personally. After getting this far, you need to come up with what to say. If you don't want to be creative, this is what I sent to my local peeps:

"I Your Name, support "Title Two" net neutrality rules and I would like you to publicly oppose the FCC's plan to repeal them. We don't need legislation, we need you to stop the FCC from removing the existing rules. This motion needs to stop now to keep our freedom of speech."


At the end of the day, it's up to us on if we want to keep our freedoms or let our government take it away. It is all our decisions. I hope this post has helped you all realize getting your voice heard by your government isn't as daunting as some might think.



This so important, and so many people seem to totally unaware Thank you


Thanks so much! I agree and I was really posting this for the others who are passionate about the subject, but don't have an idea on what to tell their peers to do.

If you would like to read the 210 pages of BS, you can find that here:

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