in #news7 years ago

500 MILLION PEOPLE +/- will be chosen from roughly 100 billion people (both living and dead who have ever walked the Earth), to live immortally in the New Kingdom. Being a member of His congregation DOES NOT ensure your acceptance... Even some of the Clergy of Lord RayEl will not make it, so how good are your chances? This congregation is not just some Facebook hang-out, it serves as the "Virtual Court of The Lord", where the people come before him, and demonstrate their value to The Crown.
Ask yourself, are you of any value to The Crown, or are you just another burden to society that must be filtered out of existence?... Don't answer yourself with ego, answer with actual accomplishments that would make you stand apart in that group of 500 million.
Right now the Clergy is embarking on what will quite possibly be their final and defining mission before the endgame... If you don't think you or your loved ones will make it into the 500 million, then I vehemently suggest you grab hold of the shirttails of one of the Clergy members, and help them in this mission in ANY and ALL ways possible! This is the end... Nothing else matters now... No excuses.

This information is from our Imperial Regent Angelus Domini and I'm Archbishop William M. Scogging and we can be contacted in many ways...Study our website very carefully, so that you may be prepared for what is to come. ra-el.org

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(I claim neither credit nor ownership of the above image and or any video content)


It is the end that is correct. This is it time is running out. We need help from people. It is true that people need to demonstrate their worth to the Lord and there is several ways to do that. Spreading his word as fast and as hard as they can. Helping in the mission to get Lord RayEl on his Throne. Keeping his Laws of the 10 commandments, which are fulfilled in the 2 commandments but still none the less they are still as important as before.

The time is coming very soon! Only the Father knows, but it could be sooner than we imagine, best to do the right thing.

It's good knowing the majority of the 7 billion+ souls will be going back to their own seedline homes instead of all being cast away. It'd be nice to visit those colonies. 500 million sounds a bit small to spend an eternity around lol

Are you effing serious? This rayel dude is a sham! The Lord Jesus Christ will cast him into the lake of fire for all eternity if he doesn't repent and turn to Him for salvation. Don't go down with him.

He is the Lord Jesus returned. Revelation 19:12-13 says Christ comes back with a new name... not an old name. The name Jesus is also not his real name and is only 400 years old same with the letter J. In a 1611 KJV bible the letter J is never used. His true name back then was Yeshua... which automatically disproves every single person claiming to be "Jesus" as false.... cause even Lord RayEl insists on using his real name 2,000 years ago if people are going to use it.

Be one of the chosen <3

Interestingly enough, just back in 2010, Wikipedia stated that over half of the worlds population are Christian/Muslim. 500 million is quite a small number when Christians are over 2.5 billion and Muslims are averaging at about 2 billion people...The numbers don't seem to add up right even if it is just a Christian prophecy. Doesn't seem to just be a coincidence...It surely helps support the idea of reincarnation and should make people think a bit deeper.

People like to think Judgement will involve a pass-go, freeing them of any real measure of accountability. If we aren't self-accountable now, we will answer for it when the balance is weighed.

Love God love eachother, have faith and hope

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