RE: Italy - The new law against "Fake News".
When you are in democracy , the problem is that you need consensus.
"Need consensus" means, if you "decide" to do "A", corporations, unions, parties, and more, must enforce it. Without consensus, any democracy cannot work.
This kind of people like BErlusconi and Trump are coming from companies, where they don't need consensus, and things are happening just because the CEO said that.
So what they will do is to be in charge, start doing laws or executive order, and expect the country will enforce the new policy, like it would happen in a company.
Unfortunately, this is not working for countries. As a result, all of their policies will fail. So they will start to react as they did in companies, like "fire this guy! fire that guy!" and they will realize that no, the government cannot fire unions, cannot fire corporations, cannot fire parties.
Is just a matter of time, and Trump realize that politic is much more complex than business.... and this is why he isn't good enough for that. He may only achieve business, but politics is too hard for him.
Business < politics.