The Incremental Push To Repeal The Second Amendment Exposed!

in #news7 years ago

When "repeal the second amendment" is trending on twitter

it's safe to say that the slippery slope to gun control has reached a landslide and the TRUE motives of the left have finally been revealed. They may say it's only about "AR-15's" or "assault riffles" or "background checks"...but their ultimate goal has been all along to take away your right to own a firearm, period!

In this video

Leigh Stuart of Press For Truth breaks down the agenda to rob the American people of their constitutional rights.

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What the hell is wrong with our country when students are tearing up the Constitution of The United States and being cheered for it? Disgraceful!

Perception is a funny thing isn't it, while I respect your opinion, from this side of the Atlantic they are portrayed as the good guys doing what is logical and obvious by trying to take guns off of the streets. Maybe they are naive to think that a society can function perfectly well without assault rifles etc being available, maybe theses kids are the future and are using forward thinking, there will never be a correct answer just differing opinions. I bet that you and those kids have more in common than you do differences and thats always worth remembering.

No, there is a correct answer here, this is not a case where both sides have valid points, the anti civil rights advocates are essentially science deniers.

I am learning more each day, today I learnt this (sorry the pictures didn't copy across)

Look below, this is a 30-06 Hunting Rifle but with tactical design.

Now here is the same gun with a normal stock and look.

Both do the same thing but one looks scary and this is the kind of thing they want to ban. Next look at the Armalite 15 also known as the AR-15 with a tactical look.

Now look at a regular one.

Both do the same thing but they want to ban the Armilite 15, mostly because people think AR means Assault Riffle, but it means Armilite. Nether of these guns are Automatic and the funny thing is that the 30-06 is a bigger and more deadly round yet this guy is not one being talked about.
basically @embomb gave me a little education in a calm and friendly way and he really didn't have to because he's a heavily armed MMA fighter so could act just the way he pleases (whether online or not)
If you could elaborate on the science denier angle it would be great, I'm interested in all this at the moment from afar but with my daughter heading to the USA tomorrow.

I wrote here about how one state recently defined "assault rifles" as those with a "shroud" on the barrel, because that is what makes it deadly apparently.
Here are the relevant facts about guns in the us

If I didn't come across as calm and friendly I apologize, a lot of people have been coming after my basic civil liberties lately.

Hey we're all good my man, discussion is good and all sides should be prepared to learn about the other too (not that I feel we're on different sides) and I'm certainly not after anyones liberties :-)

Frankly we are quite concerned about you all, how can you stop sharia law if saying things in opposition to it is a speech crime?

It is horrible what is going on, but what about the FIRST amendment? This is under attack as well but stays pretty much under the radar because they use the boiling frog method. This is even more sinister. If you cannot SAY certain words or express certain thoughts, the next generation cannot even THINK them anymore, because they have no reference to it. And the fluoridated and indoctrinated masses cheer and beg for the removal of their liberties. What a nightmare.

Read what Stevens said He goes on and on about the NRA in his demented rant, he clearly opposes their right to free speech as well.

Right. They are stripping all of our rights. And it is happening NOW at a breathtaking speed. And the fucked up masses don't notice or even like it. Just glad I am old and don't have to live in this world these fools are creating for themselves.

I fear for my kids.

I can only imagine. I would too. This is a reason to keep fighting until the end.

Life is ok without guns, we promise.

Should have explained, I live in Great Britain.

It may be ok, and I respect your opinion, but I also don't like the federal government taking my rights away. Whether that is firearms, free speech, or anything else.

Thanks for being respectful with your reply.
I guess its a cultural thing but we just don't have those worries here, maybe we're naive or maybe our own government isn't out to get us, you'd think they would have got it done by now if they were.
We do scratch our heads and wonder about it.

People are being locked up for speech crimes and the government is not out to get you?

Are we talking UK or USA? re: speech crimes. Its not something I've heard much about though I'm sure total mind control would be welcomed by some in power but the would need help from the rest of us to achieve it.
Look I'm not going out to try and take anybody guns away on the other side of the Atlantic, I myself was brought up with guns in the house because I lived in the countryside but now I live in the city I don't know anybody with a gun or anybody that has been affected by gun crime.
Different story for my friends in the countryside, if they need a gun they can have one, they just have to apply for a licence and have a regulation cabinet which gets inspected by the police and its mostly shot guns with occasional small calibre rifles.
We just worry about you guys over there with all these shootings going on and with my 13 year old daughter travelling to America tomorrow I'd like everyone to leave their guns at home for 2 weeks if thats ok :-)

You haven't heard about the guy who made his dog into a Nazi?
Speech criminal, for a joke. There were some others arrested recently because they were going to interview a right winger. Thought Criminals. Not to mention these people
As long as she avoids a handful of neighborhoods in a handful of cities and does not join a gang or get hooked on drugs while she is here her chances of being shot are way lower than in France. I don't know if that makes you feel more or less safe. She is not a black male teenager in a gang in Baltimore is she?
You should ask all law abiding owners to carry just to be on the safe side though, that's the best way to stop an active shooter.

Aargh you said active shooter.
I think she'll be fine, we have family there, she's more debating society and swimming team than street corners luckily.

That fellow on the ground is just lying there so glad that he does not have a gun right?


The fellow on the ground is Lee Rigby who was a soldier murdered in the streets 5 years ago by a mentally ill lunatic terrorist with a machete. Horrific.
The thing is we just look at the picture and think thank god the lunatic didn't have a gun or there could have been a pile of bodies on the street , its just a matter of perception and mindset I suppose.
Its still surprising to see an armed cop here though it is getting a bit more common.

I look at that and say, "too bad he wasn't allowed to defend himself". if you posted the cartoon I posted you could go to jail.

They are not even hiding it right now, it is hilarious, they have the elderly and children out on the front lines trying to gin up support for gun control and then they are going to try to run on gun control in 2018. Did you read this WaPo story?
Great report Leigh, thank God there are some Canadians on our side!

davig hogg collectivism sucks.jpg

we Germans know what we are talking about.

Total insanity! What is the world coming to? Complete brainwash of citizens and dictatorship. What will it take for people to wake up? Another Auschwitz? Then it will be too late. Thanks Dan and Leigh for everything you are doing to wake people up.

That little BITCH has NO BUSINESS talking SHIT about freedom ❗️I’m %50 CUBAN and my grandfather DIED because FIDEL CASTRO would not let him leave . She is dancing on his grave❗️And on the graves of all CUBANS That died for that freedom that never came . You are a TRAITOR and a SHILL for this LUCIFARIAN GOVERNMENT ❗️You DO NOT speak for all CUBANS‼️🇨🇺 L I B E R T A D ‼️ Thank you for shining a light on her , and let me know if you want me to back you up . Because I will go toe to toe with anybody who wants to talk SHIT about my fathers lands who were STOLEN by this MONSTER who took the lives of many of my people and including uncles and aunts I never got to meet ❗️😡 Free my CUBA or shut the hell up ❗️Give us back the lands that were STOLEN from my family ❗️Sorry , but it needed to be said . Thanks again 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻

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