Μarch For Our Lives Vancouver...Just Shoot Me!

The great gun debate is in full swing!
On Saturday March 24th 2018 rallies all over the world took place called "March For Our Lives" where anti gun activists took to the streets in solidarity with the victims of the Parkland shooting.
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth spoke with some of the protesters to try and gauge their rationality and the results were frightening!
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Dan don't repeat that nonsense about them being in solidarity with the parkland victims, gun control advocacy is not doing that.
Look at the idiot wearing an armband like a Nazi, that's ridiculous! Wow, that fat ugly ginger is obnoxious and stupid enough to be a native Vancouverite. I liked when you made her agree that due process is good by pointing out Trump's comment.
God bless you for talking to those idiots. I guess armband forgot how someone with an AR-15 stopped the Texas church shooting.
vancouver full leftwing cucks there so brainwashed by mainstream media i from westcoast to but moved to alberta get away from that culture the guy at end was only smart one. its one world goverment that wants to do a way with our right to bare arms so they can bring in there 3rd world pawns to invade canada and u.s and other western countries wipe us all out.
This is great filmmaking and presenting! Love it! My mom’s Canadian so this is close to me! Well thought out stuff. Really civil.
Wow brilliant post
Lolz, You do great stuff. keep up the great work.
US gov already kills its citizens. At a higher rate than any other 1rst world country in the world. And those with no power here, minorities, get killed by their government with gun licenses.
you mean when the gov sends people off to wars?
I mean in dozens of ways. that would be up there in top 5.
more people die from suicide then school or mass shootings but you dont see people marching for that
Guns are not the problem, people need help there. If an individual wants to cause problems, they would find many other ways to do it. If humans are in the right mind, we wouldn't have the need to create guns in the first place. People needs to be addressed, not the guns.