Does That Look Like A Gravitational Collapse To You??!
Seriously folks
is the cognitive dissonance really that thick...that deep? That appears the be the case!
Watch our film
9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015) and get the facts!
is the cognitive dissonance really that thick...that deep? That appears the be the case!
9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015) and get the facts!
nice news @pressfortruth
Looks exactly like molecular dissociation caused by low energy nuclear reactions powering a directed energy weapon system that is fired from a vacuum aka space. However don't let facts ruin this augmented reality people are stuck in.
looks like what happens to a building when nano-thermite burns through the steel.
Looks more like an explosion, thanks for sharing :)
Please check out my blog and support with a follow back..thanks
Love that Image.
Anyone who got an honest 'C' in high school physics couldn't possibly believe the official story.