RE: Brexit lessons: You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave
I am in America, and never thought the EU was a good idea. Not because of any desire to see US dominance, but because once I began studying history it seems the exploitation grows unbearable the further the masters live from the lands being dictated to. We have the same problems here, in the sense that one could view the states here as independent countries whose rights were slowly taken from them. Now they all answer to Washington, with just enough illusion of freedoms for the masters to argue they still maintain some sovereignty. And as Washington has grown larger, the fewer freedoms the citizens have.
One thing is certain, history shows us these empires have cycles. I just hope they don't kill most of us off with their wars, modified everything and medical science designed to destroy the ability of many to have children.
Indeed, distance brings with it a certain lack of responsibility towards the masses they no longer see. Although, I don' t know if governments anywhere feel any responsibility. I live in a small country. Parliament is within a short walk from my place and I certainly don't feel like anybody in that building cares about me and my problems. But as a grown-up I understand how the game works and whatever they say during campaigns is not meant to be taken literally. The problem is we've resigned ourselves with our fate as simple pawns.
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