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RE: US Navy Patent For a 'UFO' Based on ET Technology Hits the Mainstream News

in #news6 years ago

Great to see this post @ura-soul It's quite incredible that we now have a publicly acknowledged fluxliner. Phil Corso was perhaps the most credible whistleblower in his interviews and the 'BOOK' he comes across as really down to earth and really needed to offload. and what a story he tells.

When you piece together all of the Disclosure project witnesses and the many, many testimonies from the last (almost 100 years) it makes for a beautifully dark, mysterious tale of our secret past which I once found fascinating but now just take for granted as part and parcel of who and what we are. Liberating to think we're not just alone, we're actively part of something MASSIVE out there, even if it's kept thinly veiled.

My friend's Dad is the real Fox Mulder as we call him. Retired Detective Constable Gary Heseltine has a special interest in a very British Roswell.. the Rendlesham incident and if you google it, there's a really interesting new doc about it [CAPEL GREEN](

advanced technology might just save us from killing the planet entirely. can you imagine the leaps we could make when this becomes everyday civilian technology (flying pods).. I mean maybe it's another 50-100 years before it will be ubiquitous but pretty amazing to think that our Grandchildren might see it as normal ! >)


Yes, I speak with the capel green people to some extent. My first close encounter was with a triangular light ship about 15 miles from Rendelsham.

really, that sounds like more than a coincidence ? maybe you should get in touch with Gary, I'm sure he'd be very interested to hear your story !

Oh yes, it is all connected. I have mentioned this to Gary on Facebook briefly but he didn't question me on it. There is a background here that needs to be understood and to do that requires a great deal of time and focus - it will come out some day in full I'm sure.

very interesting. Gary is very meticulous in his research. maybe he didn't think it added anything significant. But the doc Capel Green, a must watch !

and back to your original post... how ridiculously amazing that a Navy patent for a submersible flux-liner is public knowledge. maybe we've come farther than we thought. I'd love a little 0. powered pod to hop about it in. much better than a petrol car !

I didn't give him much detail tbh.
I agree that clean tech would be great - even better though would be being the free energy that we truly are ;)

zero point energy.. we must contain hectares of the stuff !

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