North Korea launches projectile into sea, South Korea's military says

in #news7 years ago

On Tuesday North Korea launched yet another missile in the direction of Japan, South Korean officials said, part of a string of recent test-firings as the North works to build a nuclear-tipped missile that could reach the United States.
Last week South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump focused much of their first meeting on opposing North Korea's development of atomic weapons that threaten both allies.

Japan's government said the missile was believed to have landed in Japan's exclusive economic zone in the Sea of Japan but no damage to ships or aircraft in the area has been reported.

Trump responded on Twitter, taking shots at the launch and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.


I dont' want to sound like I am defending N. Korea but, they have to launch test missles "towards" Japan and into the sea. If they launch north Russia will destroy them (not a good test) and if they launch south then S.Korea or USA or China will destroy them (also not a good test). Am I missing something or the only option for a test is to send missle towards Japan and into the sea?

IMo its clearly a range test. It isnt meant to offend anybody just yet.