The story of the Swedish People Shaped Pyramid Grave

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Stockholm - You know, the pyramids in Egypt are the tombs of the kings. Just as in Sweden, a nobleman made pyramidal tombs for himself.

Pyramids in Egypt is one of the relics thousands of years old. The size is big, tall skyscrapers and has a function as a burial of kings. Kings of ancient Egypt were buried in a pyramid and its treasure-treasure.

shifted to parts of the Continent of Europe, did you know that the Swedish state also has a pyramid. It is not as big as in Egypt, but to see it up close let alone know the story would be very interesting to discuss. This is the Pyramid of Stjarneborg.

DetikTravel quoted from the official website, Tuesday (16/08/2016) Pyramid of Stjarneborg located in the small town Aneby. From the capital of Sweden, Stockholm trip can be taken by car for 3 hours.

Pyramid of Stjarneborg is located in a region called Starneborgs Museum och Pyramid. The pyramid is probably about 6-7 meters high, triangles and black. In it was found a grave of a nobleman named Malte Liewen Stierngranat.

This is the Pyramid of Stjarneborg (Stjarneborg Museum och Pyramid / Facebook)

Malte Liewen Stierngranat life in the year 1871-1960, which is an eccentric nobleman. He was not a nobleman who feel at home and live in luxury, but rather opt for traveling to various worlds.

He's never been to the United States, to study and try to live there. He also claimed to have an engineering degree, as well as a close friend of President Teddy Roosevelt at the time. He also married a wealthy woman from Sweden, Marie Dahlman. With more money, allows him to continue to travel to many countries in Europe and Africa, including Egypt.

Malte Images Liewen Stierngranat (Orjan Husser / Facebook)

Up to Sweden, he bought large tracts of land for houses and private collections (which now bears his name it was, Starneborgs och Museum Pyramid). He made the museum and castle, to menaroh various items he ever had in each country.

From his trip to Egypt, Malte Liewen Stierngranat also got 'inspiration'. He wants to make the grave like the kings of ancient Egypt, in the form of a pyramid. Got a lot of money, of course it is not difficult for him.

When Malte Liewen Stierngranat died, he was buried in his pyramid. Until now the pyramid was not evicted and still cared for. As well as making the house and the pyramid as a unique tourist destination in the city Aneby.

Pyramid is so tourist destinations (Stjarneborg Museum och Pyramid / Facebook)

A traveler can see from near the pyramid as well as museums and castles belonging to Malte Liewen Stierngranat. The tour there lasted from May to October from 15:30 local time. Entry ticket for 60 Swedish krona, equivalent to Rp 92 thousand.

When Malte Liewen Stierngranat build pyramids, the city population was made wonder. Yeah a lot of money, but why should to build the pyramids? Answer her simple.

'Mannen som som gjorde VAD foll honom in' which means means approximately this, I was the one that did what I wanted.


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