Why does North Korea seem to go ballistic around the same time every year?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Okay..lets overlook the fact that a Halliburton subsidiary sold North Korea their nuclear equipment in the first place “Pyongyang, North Korea, November 5, 2006 -- A jubilant U.S. State Department announced today that the Halliburton subsidiary of Buhn & Dogale, a small ceramic figurine manufacturing firm located in the Cayman Islands, has been granted a coveted $3.2 billion no-bid contract to construct North Korea's first light-water nuclear reactor.” I’d be pretty jubilant over a contract like that too. Didn’t Halliburton get a huge no bid contract during the Iraq war, who as it turned out had nothing to do with 9/11 and no wmds…and wasn’t then VP Dick Cheney just a short time removed from CEO of said Halliburton? I’m sure that’s all a coincidence..but I digress. I notice that every year about the same time North Korea seems to go on a tangent hell bent on destroying the US. The news media makes sure we know they are testing rockets and nuclear weapons and I wondered…why is this tiny country threatening the mighty US of A? Don’t they know it does regime changes just for fun? Well just so happens around the same time North Korea goes batty batty batty…the US and South Korea also have an annual war games excercise. “The annual Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military drills began in South Korea this month. Around 17,000 U.S. troops and 300,000 South Korean troops are reportedly training to execute OPLAN 5015, a classified strategic plan which is said to call for surgical strikes against North Korea’s command and control centers, nuclear weapons facilities, and missile bases, as well as “decapitation” strikes against North Korean leadership, in the event of a serious nuclear crisis on the peninsula.” China recently offered to mediate. If the US and S. Korea stopped the war games they would get N. Korea to curtail its nuclear program. That offer was refused.
“On Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi proposed the freeze-for-freeze, likening escalating tensions between the North and Washington and Seoul to “two accelerating trains, coming toward each other with neither side willing to give way”.
The idea was rejected by South Korea and Japan as well as the US.
Haley said the military drills are especially needed now after North Korea conducted two nuclear tests and 24 ballistic missile launches last year and two sets of missile launches and the assassination of Kim Jong-un's estranged brother.
She also defended the upcoming deployment of a US missile defense system in South Korea, a move that has been strongly opposed by China. She said America would not leave its ally facing the threat from North Korea without help.
But Chinese Ambassador Liu Jieyi warned that “if you look at ... the development of events now on the Korean Peninsula there's a real danger, there's a real risk.” The alternative to China's proposal “would be escalation of tension, and the situation may get out of control,” he said. (AP)
Funny we never hear of the war games...at least I hadn’t but sure do hear about North Korea. Nothing like shaking a hornets nest to see what happens. All of this sounds bad for peace…but I’m sure it’s music to the ears of defense contractors. The wars must go on…

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