WWIII ALERT: Russia Tests A New Indefensible Missile, Putin Says It Can "Reach Any Point in the World"

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The RS-28 Sarmat Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Complex

Credit: Sputnik/Vladimir Fedorenko

Russia has just recently declassified their newest toy, the 200-ton thermonuclear tipped ICBM capable of striking any target on planet earth. The RS-28, codenamed "Sarmat", is their latest answer to the threat of missile defense systems designed to undermine the global strategic balance.

President Putin announced on Thursday during his annual State of the Union Address that Russia "should not forget about security", and said that they would be prepared to use nuclear weapons if attacked. He then showed the audience a video introducing the RS-28 system and how it works.

Not only is the reach of this beast impeccable, but the supersonic weapon is untraceable by anti-missile systems. President Vladimir Putin was quoted saying "No anti-missile system – even in the future – has a hope of getting in its way."


The country is also testing new underwater drones that can carry nuclear bombs, as well as developing atomic warheads small enough to be delivered on a cruise missile, which Putin says can also avoid all intercept systems.

They have announced that they are prepared for war, and they will not be stopped in any way. Even Putin said this was new for Russia, and confidently touted their ability to stop any enemy. But he also sees their military power, and the addition of 300 new models of weaponry, as a "guarantee of peace on our planet" and it would preserve the balance of powers in the world.

The United States was less than enthused, but they tried to downplay Russia's efforts to create a new Arms Race. "We've been watching Russia for a long time. We're not surprised," Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said "President Putin has confirmed what the United States government has known all along, which Russia has denied: Russia has been developing destabilizing weapons systems for over a decade in direct violations of its treaty obligations."

The timing of this is uncanny. There won't be peace, there will be total nuclear warfare, and Russia has just made it clear that they are prepared to face anything no matter where the tide takes us. The world is in a very, very dangerous place right now. It is time to accept that Christ has returned, and he is the only true refuge that we have during this time.


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History Alert - After the launch of Sputnik, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev bragged that his country's factories “were turning out missiles like sausages” and greatly exaggerated the size and operational capabilities of the Soviet ICBM force.

In reality it matters not if the U.S. knew before hand or not. A multi nuclear missle launch (with the old rockets they have) will annihilate anything and everything. Russia will not just send one invisible missle. It's all or nothing if that scenario ever happens. Even if they did just try and destroy the U.S. and succeed every other country on the planet will launch their nukes at them.

Just the same old scare tactitcs from the plutocratic playbook.

Pretty dangerous

The bible says that the King of the North will be the one to destroy Babylon in the end of days.... that King is Vladimir Putin or at least Russia. Considering now that Russia is holding elections in just under 3 weeks... if Vladimir Putin is replaced it could spell immediate war for th world... or if it still remain's in office, there is a great chance that he will be the one to destroy America.

WW3 will begin any minute!

We've been warning you this was going to happen!

This could get really messy!

God helps us...Repent!

The time to prepare is now give yourself to God through His son Lord RayEl NOW

Flexing muscle because its time to begin

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