RE: RIP yellow vest movement
in 2017 (the year I got the most accurate numbers) there were a little over 21,000 deaths by the flu or related deaths caused by the vaccination.
A New York man returning from an overseas trip paid $2300.00 for a COVID-19 test, which does not give accurate reading, yet, tell me this isn't about the money.
in 2002 the "Measles virus" was declared extinct. after creating the MMR vaccine that soon became "required" for school children, in 2010 there were suddenly several cases of the Measles. It seems that the CDC is creating illnesses to sell more stuff. @bashadow, if you are healthy, why get a shot? I have never had a "Flu shot and have never gotten the flu.
Do the research and go with your heart and mind, you won't go far wrong. Mitch, out
Hey there Mitch!
I hadn't heard about the cost for tests. That is nuts.
From what I can see @bashadow is already well educated on the absurdity of vaccines. And likely will not be running out to get a flu shot. Unlike my mother who still believes she will get the flu if she doesn't get jabbed each year. Perhaps you could drop her a line @cryptogranny ;)
Hi Again @samstonehill, sorry this has taken so long to get going,, but, here goes nothin'!!!
@cryptogranny, HI, this is Mitch from somewhere, kinda got lost for a minute. Anyway I was asked to send you a short stat on various vaccines and their effectiveness (or lack of) so I grabbed one about the "FLU" so I hope that this one is beneficial or a little bit informative. "Flu Shots" are simply an ongoing money maker for the CDC who holds ALL patents concerning the vaccines questioned. They earn approximately $4.5 Billion a year from the sale of the vaccines and will never admit to anyone catching "the flu from a shot".
Hope you all have a very good year, and STAY healthy! Mitch (an original anti-vaxer)
You are a total legend! Thank you for doing this. Wish I could give you a bigger tip!
I will make sure she reads it today.
All the best to you my friend :)
Thank you @samstonehill,, My wife says "Thank you and your so right"... Take care and be well,,,
@samstonehill, I will give it a shot, but when people live their lives with the current news media, especially the kind from the U.S. they tend to get bad info over and over again. I will try finding the article about the CDC whistleblower and forward that to "Cryptogranny" and hopefully will save a nice persons arm from needless pokes.. :) Take care!! Mitch