My Best Friend Was a Cop - Part 3

in #news7 years ago


This is my best accounting of significant encounters I had with undercover law enforcement since 2013 and is as truthful as I can possibly be. I will add to it over time and answer questions if readers have questions. At the end, I deliver 3 state or privatesec agents infiltrating the peace movement in the united states unconstitutionally. and with illegal tricks.

In 2013 I was on unemployment and couldn't find a job. I couldn't stay where I was staying any longer and heard about the nearby Rainbow Gathering in Montana from a guy named Ron Osborne. Ron turned out to be somewhat of a cypher in the long run. I lived on the same property with him for six months and didn't like him. He was smarmy and standoffish, condescending and unhelpful. I would spoke weed with Ron and Keith in the main house on some or most weekdays. I was writing a lot and it was a nice break from the solitude. I liked Keith a lot, he was fun to talk with and a friendly person who was generally decent to me. He worked at a packaging operation somewhere I never saw and took care of his dad, a veteran who had actually fought with MacArthur who was also a friendly guy. Even Keith has been called into doubt now though due to recent events.

Ron used to have a comedian page, he headlined for a week a year at Harvey's which at first made me kindof look up to him. Then I found out after it was over that Harvey's had just finished their audition process and he had sat there with me for the entire time it was going on and hadn't mentioned it before. He knew I was a comedian and for some reason didn't even try to help me the one way he could have, although I know that audition and submission awareness is not a strength of mine. He claimed to be into Hindu meditation and yoga, and also Club Sesso, the swinger's club in Portland. His life never made sense to me, he was alleged to have been a commercial actor but I never saw or heard of it. Nothing about him was political, hippie or into the peace movement besides that he smoked pot. Ron would have been the last person I would have thought would be interested in Rainbow.

He suggested I attend the Montana gathering and camping for a few weeks or months sounded pretty great. And it was great, I did enjoy the camping and seeing Montana. But it led me on a path to where I learned about the true nature of the deep state, how far they will go to infiltrate movements. The next time I saw Ron after I left Portland was in Vermont, where he appeared after I set up my tent at the 2016 Gathering.

He had a strange smirk on his face and was asking if he could set up his tent next to mine, said he had visited his parents in Kansas and then decided to come up for a few weeks. I was already sketched out by that time for other reasons, and the thought of camping next to him for a peace gathering was just horrible and I think I conveyed that by vibe. It was like he was testing me out to see where he stood, if I would be like an old friend or sketched out. And I was sketched out, so he just moved on. I didn't even see him again, but I saw someone who looked a lot like him, a lanky, long faced 50 year old guy in a loving, intimate embrace with what looked like a 17 year old girl. Whoever that was didn't make eye contact, I think it was him but I can't be sure.

In Montana, I remember seeing only one person who I thought was an undercover agent. A military built and coifed guy with a hippie dressed woman and a child, who showed no signs of actually being a couple. But in hindsight, at least half of the people and encounters I had there were likely law enforcement activity. I caught an atypical mytoplasmic pneumonia and almost died, although I considered just dying because my life wasn't going so great and I hadn't made a single friend at the gathering, or so I thought, although it turns out my original instinct was correct.

Until lately, or from 2013 to 2017, I thought something really great happened in Montana in that I met a taiwanese guy one night while having a political discussion. we exchanged phone numbers and when I got back to Portland, and was at the end of my rope, I called the number. It was after my first homeless night in Portland. My brother thought I should be able to get some housing assistance or something but that was ridiculous, if you are a single white guy the agencies just kindof brush you off. I didn't have a car I could sleep in, but even then it was looking rough and I still had a horrible cough.

On a whim I called Jimmy, the guy I had talked with that night. It turned out he was in Portland and so we met up for coffee where I told him that I was about done, that there wasn't any point to this. He tried to talk me up but I wasn't feeling it. He was staying with a friend he had met on an Ayuasca trip to Peru. So fascinating I thought. Wow, how do I be these people who get to go on drug vacations to South America?

He was going to get a tattoo of oxytocin on his arm, so I drove him and did some stuff on my computer while he was worked on. I had the idea to ask if I could stay with him and meet his friends. He made a call and it turns out it was ok. Then it turns out his friend was a doctor, right?, who lives in a mansion overlooking Portland. This was a pretty fast reversal of affairs which at the time, and since, was an encouragement of what can happen if you just reach out to the people you resonate most with and ask for what you need.

Chris was a doctor who wanted to specialize in cannabis treatments, was into ayuasca and dmt. One night we did dmt, he had the pure white powder and a clean rig. I saw a different dimension, it was wild. I was really thankful to Chris. I met his girlfriend and his teenage kids. Later I stayed with them for a month while I applied for jobs and wrote two books. A few years later in 2016 his girlfriend had a new boyfriend overnight in a different state which I learned about on facebork, adding to all the other things about this that look fishy.

Jimmy was going on a meditation retreat and then to Burning Man(July 2013) so I asked if he needed a ride. A car was the one thing I had. So we made that work and meditated in 29 palms, then went to Burning Man. I camped with some of his friends from New York while he was with his theme camp.

He flew to Kansas City and we drove to the 2015 gathering in South Dakota. Then I drove to NYC and picked him up for the 2016 Vermont Gathering. We texted and faceborked short updates, but he always insisted in google chat to talk. He never had many updates, it seemed his life changed rapidly and I still wouldn't hear from him. He was/is a freelance video editor in New York and is in the guild so can work at the highest rates, which allows him to travel and float credit card debt. And get elaborate tattoos, including a very intricate sleeve that basically brags "I do psychedelics and am not a cop."

By all appearances he is devoted to psychedelics and free thinking, but over time in conversation I noticed quite a few topics he censored from our conversations. 9/11, not paying when camping at parks, flouride, or police surveillance. He frequently wore the same outfit, especially at gatherings.

At 2017 in Oregon, I witnessed an entire gathering built in less than a day, by undercover police pretending to be camps of hippies. I got there on the first day, and didn't meet a single person that wasn't an undercover cop. At first I didn't realize it, it would have been too outlandish for even someone like me to consider. That police were building the actual rainbow gathering themselves...but they are.

Look up the rainbow camp 'Shining Light.' It is one of the most famous and ongoing rainbow camps. All police. This year in Oregon they were trying to get people who were came to their camp to get involved with a non-profit called "Global Relief." If you google "Global Relief" you will learn that it was a muslim charity that investigated for funding terrorism after 9/11, resulting in arrests. So by being involved with the peace movement and expressing the desire to perform disaster relief, you are now, for any legal reasons part of Al Qaeds or the muslim bogeymen dejour.

So you bounce around all these camps eating free food at a gathering. From the Hari Krishna's, from the Kiddy Village camp. From camps like Phat Kids and you think wow this is nice out in nature. But then all of a sudden you are alone and with a couple that may or may not be underage and they are acting really wierd, sort of coming on to you, like seeing how you react. And if you get handsy, the cops descend and they arrest you on sexual assault charges and make up whatever story they want. And whatever they learn in conversation goes in your permanent file, to be analyzed by psychologists aided by artificial intelligence. And that will then eventually simply become part of the singularity, possibly forever.

In 2016 when I brought up certain people at the gathering in Vermont who were acting strange around us, or who seemed to be following or recording, or instigating, Jimmy would be dismissive, say maybe but then I shouldn't talk about it. And this is where he gave himself away.

When I learned that Shining Light, for certain, beyond a doubt, was police, I learned that the two other people that Jimmy and I 'tripped' with in 2016 were cops or private security investigators.

He stood there while 5 cops tried to entrap us into who knows what and watch us do dmt for some bizarre reason in a teepee, and then when I proved that they were all cops, he was unable to even listen to what I had found. They stand there with huge backpacks, or panda backpacks where the eyes are facing you, or have some trucker cap and angle their head in strange directions as if they are adjusting the angle. You might be having a nice talk at a campfire and some 20-something guy not even dressed for the event starts yelling foul things about women, baiting you into some fight. I eventually realized that at some of those circles, I was the only non-cop in attendance.

Jimmy dismissed it completely and tried to make me feel like I was crazy, and even eventually threatened to warn my family that I was acting unstable.

So I went to 2 ten day meditation courses, travelled over 10,000 miles in the same car, did dmt, mushrooms and lsd(that was fake) with a cop. I told my life story to a cop, probably twice. My best friend was a cop. What I thought was the deepest ongoing conversation about spirituality was just social engineering.

And with that knowledge, life got a lot scarier. Now I was being given drugs and studied by our government in completely fake engineered environments designed to deceive me, and that were even customized towards me as necessary. Now a movement that I thought was kindof cool turns out to be completely taken over by the government, and used to find ways to jail all of the people who believe in the idea. And their vast deception is coordinated by the rainbow facebork page they run, and if you write about their operations on reddit the comment is silo'd.

Links to 3 cop pages I archived:

These are three cops/privatesec who are without a doubt infiltrating movements that are peaceful, civil and are neither related to terrorism or cp as I am neither of those things. As what they are doing is unconstitutional and is in direct contradiction to my free speech, freedom of assembly and other rights that need not be enumerated, they are fair game for their undercover to be blown. I do this at some risk to myself, but the blockchain deserves to know the truth and these 3 ticked me off with their entrapment schemes. I do not enjoy being accused of being a pedo in elaborate entrapment schemes that involve me being given date-rape drugs.

hayden gold - fake actor, if that's possible. in movies with annette benning and also helping entrap innocent people at peace gatherings. ftw.

felicia newhouse - bullshit artist, everything about this persona is fake. her website was registered to a million dollar property that was for sale in boston.

constable of cascadia - when i was at the oregon gathering, 3 obviously underage girls came up to me at random while giggling and had cameras and were filming me uninvited, which is a big rainbow no no. I asked them what they were doing and they said there were making 'constable cards'. I finally figured out what these were, it's an elaborate 70mb document that they can add whoever they want to and then associate them with everything on that document. I am not on the file as of now, best I can tell but I'm sure they would make it that way if they needed to. (while it's still up)

And a bonus, Ron Osborn, who I believe moonlights as privatesec:

Between the rainbow gathering, national parks and Oregon Country Fair, I met at least 200 different undercover agents all of whom were not investigating Epstein, Alefantis or Mar a Lago.

This is what the United States has become, hundreds of undercover police putting on entire festivals for subversive values in order to customize entrapment setups against political opponents of the state.

If that is what our country stands for, then I do not stand with you. Leave me alone you creepy scumbags who can't even follow your own laws.

I still can't believe you drugged me and tried to see if that would make me hit on a 16 year old boy.

"I became a cop so I could drug people and then arrest them when I tricked them under the influence. And to be peoples' fake friends so I could trick them out of all their secrets and feed them to a supercomputer for processing." - cops

"Yeah, I have a great job, it pays 18/hr I just pretend to be someone who believes in peace and help the cops arrest everyone who actually does. I think I'm going to say the pledge of allegiance 3 times tonight, I'm so patriotic." -privatesec agents

"I am sure glad my boss keeps me out here in the middle of nowhere investigating poor people, too bad I didn't get invited to their all-ages occult orgy on their lawless island of Little St. James." -cops and privatesec agents

So deal with the truth, police state. Just like I have to.

Note: I will add more parts to this as I feel the urge to write about them. This is what has to go public now. It is important knowledge, I would like it if someone would spread this on other sites, in ways that I cannot. i.e. I can't work with facebork and reddoot as those were clear means by which I was being surveilled as the events of this transpired. As of now, for all I know my new roommates could be agents or the guy who started talking about psylocybin mushrooms on this other server was a cop. That is one tip, agents enjoy bringing up psychedelics very early in a conversation and bragging about selling them, doing too much of them etc.

Also, I am available for interviews regarding everything I have posted, unless you are the cops of course.


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Howdy! Constable of Cascadia here. If you want the straight dope, at least as it concerns me, I would be happy to dialogue with you. You give the impression that I am somehow associated with "law enforcement" which couldn't be further from the truth. Drop a line.
[email protected]

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