Druschba The Peace Race From Berlin To Moscow
The peace drive from Berlin to Moscow is a citizens' initiative to promote international friendship between Germany and Russia.
We believe in the possibility of peace despite the obvious geopolitical agenda of various countries and groupings among our European neighbours even under the circumstances that our media presents Russia as an enemy.
Instead of sanctions , military threats or even war , we rely on knowledge and cooperation between the peoples of both countries to ensure the supreme good of peace.
We are determined to take a on human need -oriented " Geopolitics from below ", within the meaning of sustainable peace policy on the basis of empathy and friendship between nations , taking it into our own hands.
With the Peace Trip, we send a signal to connect people , teams , cities , companies and ultimately two nations. This part of the man-made incontrovertible facts of international friendship must respected from politicians and even be further developed..
The 7 Peace Messages
1. We apologize on behalf of the German people for over 26 million deaths , who died under the Nazi regime during WW2 and are still a incurable wound to the Russian people. Russia as a single country contributed one half of the total deaths during this historically unprecedented German aggression.
2. We apologize on behalf of the German people for our partially abysmally mendacious politicians and media that have draw intentionally and treacherous a false image of the Russian people and official representatives with the goal of diving us.
3. We apologize on behalf of the German people for a willful and profileless foreign policy of our government, which covered the exclusion of Russia from the international politics and the aggressive NATO expansion - contrary to all promises during the negotiations on the reunification of Germany.
4. We thank the Russian people on behalf of the German people for the peaceful and virtually unconditional granting of the possibility of reunification of our country over 25 years ago after decades of painful division.
5. We thank the Russian people and its representatives in the name of the German people for the hitherto amazing gentle and forgiving handling for all medial and political injustices , insults and provocations in recent years without answering violently with own aggression which could have escalted hte conflicts.
6. We thank the Russian people and its representatives in the name of the German people and all affected religious minorities for the essential contribution to the solution of the Syrian conflict, which has been proven to be sparked by the West and its allies Turkey and Saudi Arabia . We wsh in our multipolar world an even more crucial role played by Russia in the prevention and settlement of similar conflicts.
7. For us peace with Russia and international friendship with the Russians is without alternative.
More than just a tour
Specific activities during our peace trip are to demonstrate our interest in peace and friendship. This covers:
Signature campaign to promote friendship between peoples ( by all passengers before and during the Peace Trip on printed lists )
open online petition directed towards the Bundestag and the European Parliament to promote international friendship with Russia
Rallies, peace Itineraries
Public events with concerts , speeches , lectures
Meeting with public representatives of associations / cities / governments
Meeting people ( festivals , private accommodations )
Support projects:
Visualize the negative consequences of sanction ( selection information first )
Bring help to the weakest among those affected
Help to convey permanent sponsorships for needy / organizations
More to come soon...