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RE: Canadians Speak Out Against Sharia Law and M103

in #news7 years ago

Absurd (and non-existent) problem indeed! Oh, and they don't have to speak out, but they do anyway. There's no chance of Canada actually coming under the rule of Shariah, seeing as how the Muslims there are a fairly small minority that are happy to go about their lives. People just don't like them, and use this sort of thing to get everybody afraid of having their hands chopped off when that's never really going to happen.


They've just passed a law banning discussion of problems related to Islam
Trudeux is determined to import as many ME/A fighting age men as possible.

This is what Sweden did
This is what Germany did
This is what the UK did

Are you one of those that thinks we have no problems in Europe? that it's not going to happen?

Have they? I'm pretty sure they haven't done that. I would have thought I would have heard of it if there was really a law passed in Canada that said critcizing Islam is illegal. I'm also quite sure that's not the case in Sweeden or Germany, and it's definitely not the case here in the UK where you have wankers like the EDL and British First pulling their nonsense.

Oh, and the floodgates aren't open for immigration from the Middle East and North Africa. There's an extensive vetting service for potential immigrants and refugees. Even as a white American who ticked all the boxes,I found it difficult to immigrate to the UK. It's pretty much impossible for impoverished people to get into the west except as refugees.

Have a look on twitter for messages from UK poice forces threatening to arrest anyone for 'hate speech', the youtuber who recently got a prison sentence for making a joke. Those who went to prison for putting bacon on a mosque door. You need to read about a bit more. Oh Germany arrested 36 for 'hate speech' yesterday. There is so much of this happening and yet you want me to hand it to you on plate (probably one you expect me to pay for) and even then you'll say 'well I don't believe that'. Here are some easy to digest sources for you. Stefen Molyeneux and Sargon of Akkad. Start there. Get woke.

As for immigration, ME/A go to EU, get EU passport, - defacto - the floodgates are Wide open. Have you seen what the EU are demanding now? Wholesale moving of entire villages from Syria to Europe.

Thats not what m103 is. Its not even a law. Its a motion of parliment, which is more a declaration of principles than anything. Quick google search gives me this, which is quite a bit different than the version your "news story"gives you:

Motion 103, also known as M-103, is a motion first proposed during the 42nd Canadian Parliament by Iqra Khalid, a Liberal MP representing Mississauga—Erin Mills. The motion states that the members of the House of Commons call on the Government of Canada to condemn Islamophobia in Canada and "all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination". It also calls on the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage to carry out a study on how racism and religious discrimination can be reduced and collect data on hate crimes.

The motion passed by a vote of 201–91 on March 23, 2017.

As for the UK, we have laws against hate speech here but theres nothing illegal about criticizing islam. Pick up any major UK newpaper at the corner store and youll see plenty of criticism. Oh, and I dont think you entirely understand the refugee process. People here on asylum dont get EU passports. A large number of them are just held in limbo with no indication regarding their future. I legally immigrated to Europe and it was a pain. Refuges dont have it that easy.

Oh, and Ive watched Sargons videos. His populist fearmongering doesnt convince me.

There is the letter of the Law, and the Spirit of the law. Being imprisoned for 'hate speech' against islam vs. an institutional cover up of gang rape of potentially millions of young girls across the nation. There is no comparison. You can see where M103 is going. You can see where this mindset is going in Europe.

My question to you. How many have to die before you admit you might be wrong? What if your sister or girlfriend was raped and murdered? would that be enough? I'm genuinely curious. Put a number on it.

If somebody I loved was murdered or raped, I would be furious at the individual who did it. But I would not extrapolate my anger at an entire religion of people when I know that religion does not at all endorse rape or murder and that most of the Muslims I have met are decent people trying to live decent lives. Theyre certainly not perfect, but neither are non Muslims. Murderers and rapists exist everywhere regardless of the religion they claim to follow, and if Im being honest, its the young English lad wearing a track suit and coming out of Ladbrokes that makes me feel nervous when I walk alone at night here in the UK, not the Asian guys with the bad haircuts.

What is the end game for islam?

Taking over Canada and eating halal poutine, apparently.

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