Christianity chosen, written, processed and translated by people

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Today you should pay attention to who has put the Bible together. It was the Roman emperor Constantine the sole-herder of that time and a predecessor of the Masons.
Have you ever wondered why 90% of the revelation came true? With money, this is also possible. The dark forces also control these events. Keep in mind that they own 99% of the money, and thus such events can be realized quickly.
Why at that time were the scriptures that Jesus put into another light omitted? Why did the Nordic gods exist before Christianity? Why is there the Sanskrittt which is much older and 8.6 million years old just like the culture of the Mayas! Every religion was sold as the only true one ... I believe in a Creator without any doubt. I am also a registered Christian. There are several thousands of interpretations of Christianity and other religions. There is no doubt that we have arrived at a point where much will change and it will become Biblical. What happens if everything happens like this but never a Savior will come because Jesus was wrong? What if he really did his life in Kashmir and was buried there? Where was it in the years that are not in the Bible? Where are the gospels of Mary Magdalene or Thomas? Why will not pay attention to the Dead Sea Scrolls (which are in Greek and about Jesus)? As philosophers once said: Faith is not knowledge, faith fulfills the purpose of security when people are in a bad way. Faith can move mountains. Faith is the manipulation of the soul. Before Christianity in Europe celebrated its triumph, we worshiped the Nordic Gods. In France, the natural gods prevailed The Druids were murdered by the Christian followers. Unfortunately, Christianity is just as badly bathed as Islam. Wiso is there the Grichian gods?
If one judges this people loving, you can not judge everything as a liar?

You have to be aware of one thing. The scriptures were chosen, processed and translated by humans.

As it stands in the Book of Genesis. God regretted creating man. Man is evil from the beginning. After the flood, he gave Noah the promise to kill no more people this is the covenant he made with Noah and his descendants, by the circumcision of men, this covenant would be closed and should be forever.
In the revelations, however, we see a totally different God than the one who made the covenant with Noah. This is a contradiction that if our god loves all people he will not be able to kill the seduced people because he promised Noah.

How can a God who loves people be able to do such things He should be almighty so he could convert them by exposing Satan and giving people the chance to see that everything is true. But no, he kills her because she has been seduced. I am sorry but God of hatred is not My God. My God is human love and forgiving and gives everyone the chance to prove themselves.

Tommy Robinson, who is regarded as an Islamization critic in England. Meets an Islam-critical imam. Find a Christian pastor or priest who talks about Christianity.
I wish very much that you watch the video and also understand under what circumstances the Bible has been decided. And that, of course, in order to attract followers, I had to create a kind of superhero because it was the same in the other gods stories. To call oneself Christian should also include everything to take a closer look at.
If suddenly someone comes and says he is Jesus or the Messiah or he says he hears voices of God in the present time lands directly in the folding mill. People no longer take this seriously and smile at it. People would only acknowledge God who he speaks from heaven so that all people experience it directly and become appealing. And now again A god of human beings kills just because they were seduced is not a god who would be as bad as Satan. My God gives everyone a chance and is not a murderer in the league with Noah he stands by his word


God used people to write the Bible but God also guided them to write what he wanted them to write.

(Jude 1:3 NIV) Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.

There were false gods in every culture on earth. It doesn't matter that they existed before Christianity. God revealed himself to man going back to the time of Adam.

There's no culture on earth millions of years old. You're mistaken.

Jesus wasn't wrong about anything. Jesus was God. Jesus existed in Heaven before he was born as a child in Bethlehem. Jesus is back with God. Someday he will return to rule the earth.

(John 17:4-5 NIV) I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. {5} And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

(Daniel 7:13-14 NIV) "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. {14} He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

I know the Bibel but why is so Hard to understand that has more Religions older Religions? Ar there all fake? The Culture of Maya or the Sanscrit... You can not tell this... There are a Imperial Rome how descided how to wright the Bibel. A good God dont kill Humans because of other thinking. If the Lord love the humans than he can not kill. We have the bound with Noah..

Its ok i dont want you take your belive, but for me the Bibel is manipulatet by de roman empier... go back in history and look how bad Konstantin was.

Search about book of Henoch search the book of Mary Magdalen and The Book of Thomas... why this books are not in the Bibel? belive is not knowing or was you there at this Time? Humanity belive everything if loot of Peaople tell a Story, someday you belive this to.

I dont say that this can not be the true, i ask because its look like other Lords in the Old and New testament. Because the promis how god gives Noah.

Look the history of Christianity so much Blood, so much takeover!

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