A volumetric display for visual, tactile and audio presentation using acoustic trapping

According to scientists at the University of Sussex, the technology in use to create three-dimensional images is based on operational principles, which cannot produce touch and auditory content as well.
While it is still far from the distress call of Princess Leia, the multimodal acoustic trap (MATD) screen, which is what it is called, is capable of displaying objects in the air.
A colored butterfly fluttering in the air, emojis and other images that are visible without the need for VR or AR headphones, simultaneously generating visual, auditory and tactile content.
Even if it is not audible to us, ultrasound is a mechanical wave and carries energy through the air, which can stimulate the skin giving a tactile response.
No doubt this will have numerous applications and not only fun.
Source: nature.com, read original article

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