So they finally did it! They finally released the new iteration of the Raspberry Pi today, the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, and I'm liking what I'm seeing.
Here's the gist of what you're getting for ~$35 USD:
- A 1.5GHz quad-core 64-bit ARM Cortex-A72 CPU (~3× performance)
- 1GB, 2GB, or 4GB of LPDDR4 SDRAM
- Full-throughput Gigabit Ethernet
- Dual-band 802.11ac wireless networking
- Bluetooth 5.0
- Two USB 3.0 and two USB 2.0 ports
- Dual monitor support, at resolutions up to 4K
- VideoCore VI graphics, supporting OpenGL ES 3.x
- 4Kp60 hardware decode of HEVC video
- Complete compatibility with earlier Raspberry Pi products
This is the official release page, it gives all of the details and a great rundown:
Already sold and just want to buy one immediately? Here's their approved reseller list (my personal favorite is Cana Kit):
Just wanted to make a quick post to announce this cool news. I'm definitely grabbing one, can't wait to see how it holds up performance wise VS the Pi 3 Model B+!
If you've ever owned a Raspberry Pi (or Arduino), what have you found it useful for?
i was waiting for this one to come. i'll be making a whole bunch of clustered stuff with it from cctv recording to plex server to desktop for modding and discord. great price! great speed bumps.
I've been meaning to purpose one that I have as a CCTV solution since I don't trust any cameras that are could based, that should be a crime.
ONLY 35$?
That's awesome! One of my friends owned a Raspberry phone, not sure what happened with his device though.
Well, starting at $35, but there are $45 and $55 entry points this time. From what I can tell, $35 = 1 GB RAM, $45 = 2 GB RAM, and $55 = 4 GB RAM. I'm probably gonna grab the 4 GB version.
Raspberry phone?! Haven't heard of that project before, sounds cool though!
God damn dude, his phone was Blueberry, my bad lol. I feel stupid now.I guess I'm not good at selecting berries 😅😅
I would grab the 4gb version too for only 20$ more!
Posted using Partiko Android
That looks pretty awesome, what kind of device is this for? It looks incredibly small! I'm just hearing of this company now so pardon my ignorance.
It's an entire stand-alone computer! You can run dual monitors on it and everything, it's pretty wild, especially for the price.
I got two pi 3s but I still haven’t used them and now I want this one too lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
Get it and throw RetroPie on it! It's fun and will help you get the hang of the machine.