Trump's aggressive policy: North Korea fired a missile which flew over the Japan
Trump, a foolish president, gave North Korea an opportunity to play in full aggression. In Obama's era, he tried to convince the North Korea for peaceful agreement which involves six powers of world. But Trump don't believe in peace, he started to threaten the Korea which result the another missile test from North Korea.
The missile test was conducted yesterday which flew over the Japan and then dropped into the sea. This show the possible response of the North Korea against the US aggression.
Trump is not a foolish president.
You just don't have the mental capacity to understand.
i don't want to understand the person who is killing the world. He started a new war in Afghanistan by sending more troops, he threaten the Pakistan, Iran and North Korea. He is openly against the China. I am sure soon his policies will destroy the America
did you like obama?
No, i don't like any US president but i do not dislike Obama. Unlike Bush's strategy Obama tried to stop the Afghan and Iraq war.
While Trump's strategy is to kill the innocent citizen in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea and every country in the world. He is insane
It is strategy of US think tank to hold on the every nation's wealth whether it is oil, gold or economy and they destroy every one who comes in their way.
America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign
math is hard...I realize that. Obama admirers have a hard time with I'll help you.
there are 8760 hours in a year...that would indicate that Obama dropped over three bombs an hour for an entire year.
Good to know that you like Obama..
i did not say that i like Obama. but i dislike the Trump. Every US president is evil. We know that its not the US president who make the policies. Policies are already made by think tanks but the way Trump is handling the world politics, it will destroy the world and America. One thing is for sure, by opening a war against too many countries, like china, Pakistan, North Korea and Iran will destroy the US economy
how isit that you blame trump because the Norks fired a ballistic missile?