Twisted World: Israel is Arming Ukrainian Neo-Nazis!

in #news6 years ago

While criminal regime of Benjamin Netanyahu in public vehemently attacks anybody who denies holocaust, in secret it is selling arms to the same nazi formation that did holocaust!

On Thursday, July 12, 2018, the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” brought a text under the title: Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine. In the text signed by John Brown, you can find facts about giving Israel’s approval to the Ukrainian company “Fort”, for making Tavor, Negev and Galil assault rifles, about training provided by the former IDF officers in military camps, and its instructors who were trained by Israelis…

Just imagine that twist. Israel is arming neo-nazi Azov militia whose members openly use the nazi salute, carry swastikas and SS insignias, and one of their members in an interview even said that he was fighting Russia because Putin was a Jew!

And the reaction of Ukrainian government? They embassy in Israel accused the “Haaretz” of spreading “fake news” and journalist Max Bumenthal for publishing a report under a pseudonym. Like it is the most important thing WHO exposed a most shamefull affair! And they, of course, did not explain how the Israeli weapons got into hands of neo-nazis…

Duration: 2:30

All this is happening as the Ukrainian administration is trying to deny the country’s role in the Holocaust, just as is happening in Poland (now with the support of the Netanyahu government).

These attempts include rewriting the history of World War II and the glorification of Ukraine’s soldiers, using legislation and various publications, as well as concocting stories about Jews who were allies of national Ukrainian forces during the war, whereas in fact Jews had to hide their identity.

— “Haartez”, July 12, 2018

The things are getting even worse when you start tamper through history. It is known that in the past, Israel has armed anti-Semitic regimes, such as the generals’ regime in Argentina, which murdered thousands of Jews in camps while its soldiers stood in watchtowers guarding the abducted prisoners with their Uzi submachine guns.

According to a freedom of information petition to Israel's defense ministry from last January, Israel also armed Bolivia's military regimes, while knowing that Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie was part of the regime! Legal documents used to convict the head of the junta also showed that Barbie's death squads used Israeli Uzis.

Knowing all of this, it is somewhat easier to understand those people who easily accept “theories of conspiracy” rather then official versions of “the truth” peddled through fake news media…


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Great deceptions by those in power, will never cease my friend...Even when we 'think' we've stumbled upon the truth, the fog never fully lifts; or a new one comes rolling in.

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Hitler had at least 150,000 Jews within his troops, and nearly halve of their generals were Jews.
Communists on the other had were made at least 80% of Jews on top levels.
What's the difference between Hitler nazis and communists?
Hitler killed 6,000,000 Polans, around 10,000,000 people in Europe in total. Communism killed AT LEAST TWICE THAT.
If you read German soldiers books, or JEWISH authors, written RIGHT AFTER WAR up until about 1960's, you'll learn, that the most vicious and dangerous for Jews during war, were not Germans, BUT OTHER JEWS. When catholic priests were giving up their lives to protect identities of their followers, rabbi's were voluntarily giving up all information about former and current followers, even if Jews converted to Catholicism two generations before.
Truth is the most hideous weapon for those, who live their lives based on fabricated ideas.
unfortunately, MOST people are not interested in history, and prefer repeating lies, than to read what the victims themselves had to say.
"Lies repeated 1000 times, at some point become recognized as truth" - German top propagandist in WW2 - Goebbels

Which books, @sikorka? Your numbers are wrong. Can you put up a link to some historical documents on that thesis?

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