Full Steem Ahead: Anti-Media Joins the Steemit Revolution

in #news7 years ago

Anti-Media’s evolution from a fiercely independent news blog to the Homepage of Independent Media continues, and Steemit is our next evolutionary step. Our journey started in 2012 when our founder, Nick Bernabe, launched a small, anti-establishment Facebook page with a rudimentary meme created in MS Paint.

This grew into millions of social media followers, hundreds of millions of visits to our website, and our memes have been seen billions of times. Anti-Media kickstarted the 2013 #NoWarWithSyria decentralized anti-war movement off the back of a single meme, which manifested into protests across 50 cities in the U.S. and around the world. Some people are still sporting the profile picture we created for the movement on social media.
Anti-Media is a non-partisan, adversarial news/graphics publisher and crowd-curated media aggregator staffed by numerous anarchists and activists who want to change the world by setting it free (you can see some of our more well-known graphics below). But let’s just say the Internet’s media gatekeepers don’t exactly encourage keeping government, politicians, and their corporate welfare beneficiaries accountable to the public, nor do they endorse demolishing the statist mindset and ideology that props up these power structures.
Though we’ve long enjoyed success on traditional social media platforms, in the last couple of years our ability to reach people has changed drastically.
We’ve seen our articles documenting war crimes de-monetized by Google. We’ve had our Facebook page banned for calling out politicians on their lies. We’ve seen YouTube videos, including those by our editor-in-chief, stripped of ads for not being “brand safe” or politically correct. And Reddit shadowbanned us after our investigation of Nestle’s state-sanctioned theft of California drinking water went viral and made it to the front page — twice!

(A poster we created about Homan Square, which was later used by The Guardian)

It’s not exactly lucrative these days to challenge the status quo and ask the toughest questions. Soft corporate censorship is at an all-time high as Facebook, Google, and YouTube continue their war on independent content creators, and the federal government continues to take steps to undermine independent media in general. But we hope to overcome these challenges and keep spreading the message of freedom by joining the Steemit community.

Several of our journalists are already on Steemit, including Carey Wedler ( @careywedler), Derrick Broze ( @dbroze), Jake Anderson ( @jakeofthefoliage), and Darius Shahtahmasebi ( @realdariuss), and they have found a receptive, enthusiastic community that is passionate not only about changing the centralized, statist paradigm but also actually using technology to make a tangible difference. Anti-Media is excited to be a part of this disruptive effort because we know cryptocurrencies and decentralized blockchain technology are changing the world for the better. We’ve decided it’s time for us to be part of this amazing solution rather than relying on government-aligned platforms like Facebook and Google.

From this point on, we will dedicate a substantial portion of our editorial resources to Steemit exclusively, and with the help of Steemians, we’ll bring hard-hitting, professionally edited and fact-checked news to the Steemit community.
We will be dedicating less and less of our resources to centralized social media, and we’ll be leveraging our 2 million+ followers on to Steemit. It’s full Steem ahead for Anti-Media.
Post by Anti-Media’s